[ dreamworld ] break the barrier.exe

1 year ago

This is a booster

welcome to dreamworld ☁️🏹

note: this is a theory i came up with so take it with a grain of salt but we create our own reality and here is how i made mine!

what is dreamworld
dreamworld is a lot of things, it is a concept but also a place in your subconscious mind. you access it through lucid dreams. it is a place without time and limits and you have unlimited access to everything....the physical environment in dreamworld can be anything from a beautiful garden to a futuristic room to a small village on a mountain top or just empty space.. that is up to you.

but there is more

when you are awake dreamworld is not gone, sleep is your portal to dream world “physically” but in your mind you are always in dreamworld. you have the dreamworld mindset in reality as well... because the barrier is broken and you can bring things to life just by lucid dreaming them or just imagining them when awake…

dreamworld is having full access to the subconscious

dreamworld is actively engaging both conscious and subconscious at once to reach your maximum potential

dreamworld allows you to have a safe space on your own, a lucid dream where you can have alone time and think and find ways to control your current reality even more

To sum things up, dreamworld is a mindset. Its when the barrier is broken and everything is easily accessible and you have your own little safe space in your subconscious mind which you access in dreams.. lucid dreams

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