The Catholic Church Secretly Worships Nimrod and MYSTERY BABYLON

1 year ago

The Catholic Church Secretly Worships Nimrod and MYSTERY BABYLON
Mystery of Iniquity - The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop
July 9, 2019
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Below is an except from my article:
From the Whore of Babylon to Old St. Nick: Santa, Saturn and Satan. The Secret Forgotten History and Occult Pagan Origins of Christmas
The name "Easter" is Derived from the Pagan goddess Ishtar/Ester
Their Easter Worship included Fertility Rites and Orgies. The Next year children born resulting from this WERE SACIFICED. Blood was used to DYE THE EGGS 
Semiramis, the Evil Queen Murdered her Husband Nimrod The god-King
Semiramis Deceived the Masses so well and Tricked Them to Believe the Death of the False god King Nimrod was Divinely Inspired-
That Her Son was the Reborn Sun-god Nimrod Resurrected. Thus, the Hell Spawn Tammuz became the Sun-god Nimrod. The Sun Resurrected and Reborn.
But this Evil did not end in the Kingdoms of Babylon. This evil Perversion Spread to the Ends of the Earth and Corrupted Every Religion.
All of the god of the Pagan World Worshiped these Same Demons under Different Names.

The Roman Nobility were Descendants of Babylon.; Appollo- Apollyon was one and the Same the Bastard Sun/Son of Semiramis. The Son-god Mithra was that same Demon-god, as were ALL Sun/Fire-gods.
See Full Article Linked Above For More

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