We Are About To Discover Thousands Of Alien Life Forms

7 years ago

Did you know that the world's deepest well has been drilled 13,000 feet beneath the Antarctic ice and why? What's being found will help in the search for life in space!

Russian scientists have drilled the world’s deepest well into Lake Vostok Antarctica. They expect to discover new life forms living 13,000 feet beneath the Antarctic ice. They have already identified a new form of bacteria. A bacteria whose DNA bears no resemblance to anything else on Earth. Vostok the sixth largest lake on Earth has been covered in ice for 15 million years. Any life living there would be totally independent from the rest of the planet. And would have evolved with all sorts of adaptations we can only imagine.

Scientists originally reached the surface of Lake Vostok in 2012 but a leak of freon and kerosene contaminated the drill hole. Samples taken from the surface of the lake showed hundreds of life forms, but they couldn’t be guaranteed to be free of contamination. This forced the team to re-drill the last 1600 feet through a parallel borehole.

Vostok’s 1,300 cubic miles of freshwater is twice as pure as double distilled mineral water. The water has a temperature of 26 F but doesn’t freeze due to the pressure of the ice. Studying the lake will give us clues on how and where to look for life on other planets.

Scientists believe the most promising life forms exist where water is present. Places like Marks and Jupiter’s moon, Europa. However, space will have to wait while we continue to discover alien life on planet Earth.

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