Bellyful(w/J6er Outro)

1 year ago

Dedicated to: J6 Patriots, The Posse, "The Honey Badger" Steve Bannon, "Queen" Grace Chong, "Me Tarzan You" Jayne Zirkle, Captain Maureen Bannon, Natalie G WinterSoldier, Joe "JoeBot" Allen and Ben "If you're gonna Harn, you may as well" Harnwell, MAGA, and The American People, My People, and even those that hate me. Don't hate the player, hate the game. Stop being gamed.
Ready Captain!
Rollin through with the crew downtown
My Peoples on the street lookin ground down
I brought my 6-string for that brown sound
Break out the stage this town is comin unwound
It's not our gig to pout or FrEaK-oUt
But we can get loud a stout amount
We're takin the street, take another route
You-turn-a-head, U-Turn the world around
We said that "You can shake but you better not break it"
If you break it then you bought it, that means: You pay the price
You'll pay it or you'll bleed
'Cause that's what we need
Not wadin in a paddy, pickin short grain rice
Breaking, the dam is weak
Breathtaking, we're up shit-creek
Come And See
Hold-up, hold-on, wait a minute, hold the phone
Hold-on, hold-up, leave them fences alone
Before you find out who put them there
Why they did, when they did, and why did they even care
Holding back the flood
The whole thing is fire and blood
Come And See
And when you don't like it tight, they turn the screw
They say "The beatings will continue until morale improves!"
Face to face, with the Fire!
Come And See
Take a quick look
See what you see
Now are you shook?
Like a dream it always seemed so far away
And when you've had your fill of rolling shit uphill
you shout out loud "I've got a Bellyful!!"
And if I'm bein frank and there's no misunderstandin
'Bout a modern day Ben Franklin, an Ultra-MAGA cannon
Blastin to the Populous, "It's Ridonkulous!!"
A honey badger, the Admiral Steve Bannon!
Quaking the ground is churning
Shaking a world that's turning
Come And See
And "No" we don't need Hercules we don't need King Kong
Just gimme Jayne Zirkle please and Queen Grace Chong!
Face to face, with the Fire!
Come And See
Take a quick peek
See what you see
Try not to FrEaK!
Like a dream, it always seemed so far away
And when you've had your fill of rollin shit uphill
When you've had your fill and they're still up in your grill
You shout out loud "I've got a Bellyful!!"
~One for the luddites~
I know I'm just an Average Joe-but...
I'm never gonna wanna ro-bot
Bossin me around anywhere I go
...if I even know...
Come And See
See what you saw
See what you see
Take it in raw
Like a dream it always seemed so far away
And when you've had your fill they're still up in your grill
You shout out loud, "I've got a Bellyful!!!!"
~J6 Musical Interlude(there are no words)~
When you've had your fill they come in for the kill
You shout out loud, "I've got a Bellyful"
Like a dream it always seemed so far away

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