COD MWII Multiplayer: Very Bittersweet Ending to Match + Funny Final Kill (See Desc. for Breakdown)

1 year ago

Reasons why the ending is bittersweet:

Cons -
1. We lost the match
2. I wasn't able to get the final kill even though I hit the guy multiple times
3. Krampus killed the guy, but blew himself up, giving the enemy a free kill that caused them to win the match
4. Our team's overall leaderboard performance compared to the other team isn't good
5. The guy in the final killcam still performed better than everyone on our team when it comes to kills and deaths despite nearly doing the worst on his team
6. Pretty much everyone on our team (except for me) is higher ranked than everyone on the other team, yet the other team got nearly double the combined kills that we did despite this

Pros -
1. Me and Krampus did the best on our team
2. I killed guy who ended up being given the final kill shortly before the match ended
3. I didn't get killed by the guy at end, nor did he even hit me at all, but I was able to hit him multiple times
4. The guy dying at the end provided a funny final killcam for everyone to see, even if one of our teammates had to inadvertently get themselves killed and give the enemy the win to achieve it
5. The guy in the final killcam nearly did the worst on his team
6. Given the killcam guy's poor aim, there is a good chance that I would have killed the guy at the end and prevented Krampus from causing the match to end if Krampus had chosen not to shoot his rocket

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