Peace in [death] "higher" ups yup, & for sure let the satanic jackmusk 2.o have it yep!

1 year ago

are you going to let me fix the description now rumble puppet? geez you demons are too much like WOW!

worry not pavlovski if all goes well i'll be in the fkn ground here soon enough you satanic soros/g8tes demon puppet yep! "living" & learning to never take a chance on "humans" yup!

gotta love it eh "higher" ups? i get all the way over here thinking on doing some videos than said fk it why bother! so back to my little ditch here to freeze another night for y'all and pray this bloody pulse of mine finally gives me some fkn peace!

hope your happy for sure "god" yay!

debt paid!

i posted this as a comment earlier and now shall post it here too now that i've seen the analytics... lol it says 50 views sure but not even 1 unique view so my bet here is those are all inflated stats like rubbing salt in the would for your satanic masters! because i never even shared this video anywhere and i have my doubts my so called tribe here really gives a shit! regardless theres the comment i made below should any care!

can't help but notice it pausing non-stop even with good wifi and signal? wonder if anyone else noticed that?
and whats the deals there eh you soros/g8tes rumble puppet? 50 views? really???

well hey glad to see my death is worthy of enjoying!

sooner the better too i say aye!

what you don't like my description update now you demon skid pavloski?

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