Annastacia Palaszczuk Queensland Premiere Resigns.

1 year ago

ABC article. 24th/25th January 2021
"Wagners propose Queensland coronavirus quarantine facility near Wellcamp airport west of Toowoomba".

+ 216 Days

= Queensland government groundbreaking for Wellcamp ABC Article: 27th August 2021. "How will Queensland's own covid 19 quarantine facility at Wellcamp near Toowoomba work?

Pic of earth moving equipment Cat grader.

CIV804 Model 160M = Obama born 8.4.61.
The 216th Day of the Year. 6x6x6 = 216.
Wikipedia Page number 216.

Mark Mc Gowan Western Australia Premiere Resigns. 10th December 2023.

+ 6 Months 12 Days (216)

Movie Passengers. Health pod. 612 terminal diseases.
Website. B612 Foundation.
Movie Outbreak. Blood vial 612.

= Annastacia Palaszczuk Queensland Premiere Resigns 10th December 2023.

Daniel Andrews Victorian Premiere Resigns 26th September 2023.

+ 2 Months 16 Days (216)

= Annastacia Palaszczuk Queensland Premiere Resigns 10th December 2023.

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