What are PACE Program Centers in Los Angeles? ageinplacehealth.org | (888) 839-3290

1 year ago

In Los Angeles and Orange counties, there are small, personalized healthcare plans. They have been called: "The Gold Standard of Senior Care." Exclusively for seniors who have 2, 3 or more medical conditions. It's like having assisted living, but you get to live at home.

Welcome to PACE, the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, for people 55 and older. It's a permanent Medicare and Medi-Cal benefit. PACE is free in California for qualified people with full Medi-Cal.

PACE has vibrant social centers where you can exercise, have lunch, make new friends and have a great day. These PACE centers also have medical clinics. At this PACE center, you can see your PACE doctor or nurse. Of course, you get rides to this social center and medical clinic, plus rides to all medical appointments.

PACE arranges all your appointments with their network of specialists.

You can learn about PACE at your own speed by visiting the website ageinplacehealth.org. Take your time. Use the interactive tool to learn if PACE is right for you.

In California's Latino community, it is now common to seek help caring for aging parents. With PACE, care is complete and everything is well coordinated. Your parents receive what they need, but in the comfort and love of their home.

Exclusively for seniors who have 2, 3 or more medical conditions. It's like having a help desk at home, but you live in your home.

Welcome to PACE, the Program of Comprehensive Care for the Elderly, for people 55 years and older. It is a permanent benefit of Medicare and Medi-Cal. PACE is free in California for qualified people with full Medi-Cal

PACE has vibrant social centers where you can exercise, have lunch, make new friends and enjoy a good day. These PACE centers also have medical clinics.

At the PACE center, you can see your PACE doctor or nurse. Of course, we take you to the social center and medical clinic, as well as to all medical appointments. PACE organizes all your appointments with its network of specialists.

Learn about PACE at your own pace by visiting the ageinplacehealth.org. Use the interactive tool to find out if PACE is right for you. Or call or text us toll-free at 888-839-3290.


En la comunidad latina de California, ahora es común buscar ayuda para cuidar a los padres mayores. Con PACE, el cuidado es completo y todo está bien coordinado. Tus padres reciben lo que necesitan, pero en la comodidad y cariño de su casa.
Exclusivamente para personas mayores que tienen 2, 3 o más condiciones médicas. Es como tener un servicio de asistencia en casa, pero tú vives en tu hogar.

Bienvenidos a PACE, el Programa de Cuidado Integral para Ancianos, para personas de 55 años en adelante. Es un beneficio permanente de Medicare y Medi-Cal. PACE es gratuito en California para personas calificadas con Medi-Cal completo

PACE cuenta con centros sociales vibrantes donde puedes hacer ejercicio, almorzar, hacer nuevos amigos y disfrutar un buen día. Estos centros PACE también tienen clínicas médicas.

En este centro PACE, puedes ver a tu médico o enfermera de PACE. Por supuesto, te llevamos a este centro social y clínica médica, además a todas las citas médicas. PACE organiza todas tus citas con su red de especialistas.

Puedes aprender sobre PACE a tu propio ritmo visitando el sitio web Adge in Plais, Punto, Org . Tómate tu tiempo. Utiliza la herramienta interactiva para saber si PACE es adecuado para ti.

O llámanos gratis al 888-839-3290. Ese es el 888-839-3290. Por favor, visita el sitio web ageinplacehealth.org, llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 888-839-3290.

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