12/11/23 Is Satanism Healthcare? "A War of Ideas" part 1 S3E19p1

1 year ago

12/11/23 Is Satanism Healthcare? "A War of Ideas" part 1
No, it’s not a Monty Python sketch. It’s not even Second City. In the real world in the year of our Lord 2023, we’re really asking, for real: “Is Satanism Healthcare?” Now, we’re not the first ones to discuss the Satanic Temple operating “reproductive healthcare” clinics, but I hope we’ll be the most thorough: because we’ll discuss not just the event itself; and not just the media coverage of it, both positive and negative; but also the prophetic theology at work behind it all, all week long. I’m Steve Hicks, Director of Podcast Ministries for Talking Donkey International. Welcome to our second-to-last episode of 2023, called “A War of Ideas.”

This week is all about ideas! For our penultimate show of the year, Something’s Happening Here looks underneath some controversial current events to see the war of ideas underneath.

Season 3 Episode 19
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