
1 year ago

Selenium is one of the most well known antioxidants, and one of the most potent. A diet deficient in selenium can cause body muscle aches, fatigue, muscle weakness, white spots on the nails.

more info about selenium:

Selenium is another important item in the protocol. Selenium is a basic mineral like magnesium, like Iodine, like sodium bicarbonate. Selenium when is deficient is a problem because we run into a problem with glutathione, we need selenium to create glutathione. Selenium also is very important because it is the atom that has the strongest affinity to mercury, so if you are having a problem with mercury, which everybody who has dental fillings with silver amalgam – fillings with 50% mercury and creating vapor into the body 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Every mercury filling puts out vapor, which increases when you drink hot fluids, when you brush your teeth, when you chew food. Mercury is a big problem in the world because of the dentists, because of doctors that are injecting it into people, with their vaccines and with the flu vaccine and in the environment because we have been polluting the world forever. In the industrial age with mercury, selenium is like an antidote, it has the strongest affinity with mercury and will bind with mercury and make it easy to carry it out of the body. Through direct binding with the mercury, then through it’s stimulating effect on glutathione production its been so necessary for that , we increase the glutathione level and that also helps with mercury detoxification. So selenium is a key, it is a key when we are deficient in it . The cancer rates go up in the regions where selenium is deficient. For selenium I do recommend again mega food. Their line of vitamins and minerals are the best in the world, again these whole food minerals and vitamins, and with selenium – I recommend starting at 200, 300 or 400 micrograms a day and bring that up to about a maximum one milligram a day.


Dr. Sircus books:

Selenium Medicine: And the Rising Tide of Mercury

Selenium supplements:

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