"All Israel Shall Be Saved": Part 8: The Fullness of the Gentiles (Rom. 11:25-36)

1 year ago

Please join me on Sunday evenings for this timely teaching series on Israel from Romans 9-11 as we discover biblical answers to questions people have:
Who is Israel?
Has the Church "replaced" Israel in the plans and purposes of God?
Why did the majority of Israel reject her Messiah?
Did God forever reject His people?
How and when will "all Israel" be saved?
In Part 8, we will conclude this teaching series by looking at how the "mystery" of Israel's salvation is directly connected to what Paul called the "fullness of the Gentiles". What did Paul mean by that statement, and when will this occur?
This is foundational stuff! How we understand the sovereignty and purposes of God will affect how we understand the issue of Israel at the end of the age.

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