NEW AGE Agenda Exposed. One World Religion and the New World Order One World Gov.

1 year ago

NEW AGE Agenda Exposed. One World Religion and the New World Order One World Government
July 31, 2017
Windows On The World - Mark Windows & Tony Hurst
Link provided by AEtherEMF. Thanks
This is a very deep subject. A very big one that is difficult to summarize.
But what needs to be understood is that Madam Blavatsky was an Infiltrator and Subverter of all the the Religious and Spiritual Traditions. She was the inheritor of vast Secret Occult Knowledge. Regardless of any inherent value of the Religions or Traditions that she sources her Doctrines from, she Highjacked those beliefs and practices to form a synthesis for her own teachings.
Blavatsky was right in step with the Illuminati Agenda to Infiltrate and Destroy Religions. To lead her followers to the Light of Lucifer. Especially Christianity and the subversion of the Western World.
She was an extremely influential thinker of her time. And her ideas were definitely pushed towards the mainstream Religions. But instead of just merely infiltrating and Highjacking Religions, her movement was like a direct link to the Illuminati / Secret Society / Occult Traditions that Weaponized these reformulated traditions to capture the minds of the masses.
I have actually read her massive 3 volume encyclopedia called Isis Unveiled. The knowledge she possessed was staggering and impressive. But it is What You Do with that knowledge that makes all of the difference. Wealth, Power and Influence appears to have been her prime objective. In fact her life would have had very little influence outside of her Mystical Occult Work. In fact, women at that time for the most part were ignored or completely excluded from any position of influence. It was her vast knowledge that made her the exception.
But by the time of Alice Bailey, the True Occult - New Age Agenda had Crystalized. And the path for the New Age One World Religion was clear. Openly promoting the path of Lucifer to the Higher Level Followers, while deviously deceiving the masses. Rather in the same way the Freemasonry does.
There is no mistake that these teachings were supported by the United Nations to push forward the One World Religion to coincide with the One World Government.
The New Age Movement was created out of these foundations. And any Spiritual Teachings of Note will always be the target of these Occult Practitioners.
And the Infiltration and Subversion of Christianity has ALWAYS been their highest goal.
In fact, one of the most powerful and influential Preachers of all time - Billy Graham was not only a 33 Degree Mason, but a Sabbatean Frankist (The Satanic Cult of Redemption Through Sin)
How is THAT for Infiltration?
@OratorBlog 12-10-2023
The New Age and its protagonists, how this all ties into One World Government.
- New show every Sunday at https://www,autonomousmedia,net 9-11pm GMT.
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