Livid at Russian Victory in Ukraine, Anglo-Americans Facilitate Israeli Genocide of Palestinians

1 year ago

* Show starts at 02:18 *

Russia's success in absorbing everything NATO and the Kiev regime has thrown at its military defenses in the newly-acquired regions is now all but confirmed in Western capitals. Though they lament that "Putin's victory is terrifying," they nonetheless acknowledge that Russia has won. The US government may yet extend the war with further weapons dumps in Ukraine, but Washington knows this won't substantially change anything.

Meanwhile, American weapons are pouring into Israel, where they're duly dumped onto defenceless Palestinians in Gaza. This week on NewsReal, Joe & Niall highlight the extreme contrast between the two wars: one is a war between two armies on civilian-evacuated, fixed terrain, and the other on densely civilian-populated terrain - a 'war' so evil that its genocidal intent is laid bare for all to see.

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