Why did many of China's major cities recently experience power outages?

1 year ago

12/9/2023 【Infiltration Files - LFA TV】Roy Guo: Why did many of China's major cities recently experience power outages? This is due to the CCP performing stress tests in preparation for attacking Taiwan. The CCP seeks to replace the U.S. as the leader of the world and let communism reign over the world, and these are the last things we want to see.
#Taiwan #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
12/9/2023 【渗透档案】罗伊:最近中国各大城市为何都出现了停电的情况?这是因为中共在准备攻台前的压力测试。中共妄图取代美国成为世界领袖并让共产主义笼罩整个美国,这是我们不想看到的。
#台湾 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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