Nehemiah. In 43 years the Second Telling of The Greatest Story Ever Told to Men will free & save us

1 year ago

I am Randall Maxwell the watchman for the second coming of the ways of the Lord. I have been granted some wisdom from above James 1:5, I can see men as trees Mark 8:24; Dan. 12:4 so that I can edit some of the wiles of Satan out of the bibles of men. My work exposes to the world how ignorant and foolish I am 1 Cor. 2:14. Like all men, it is my job to illustrate by my ignorance, how badly we need the King of Kings ruling over us with the Royal Law of agape love and that it is not in man to guide our steps Jer. 10:23. I am not ashamed to admit that I am poor in Spirit and that Christ has all authority. He is the only qualified mediator between God and man 1 Tim. 2:5.
As the watchman is my job to grant you access to the first part of the second coming of the ways of God, The Sword of the Spirit, the Bible in part 1 Cor. 13:9-12 so that you can read, understand, and be blessed by reading the warnings from the Lord Himself Rev. 1:3!
His warnings include. First, we must repent of the ways of men for the second coming of the Kingdom is at hand Rev. 22:20. We must be poor in Spirit, Matt. 5 and humbly approach the Lord as little children, because Satan, the man of sin, the second horseman of the apocalypse, to rule over the kingdoms of men, has stolen our peace and sanity by convincing us that we can preach, give bibles and religions like God. No. Let God be true and every man a liar Rom. 3:4. To build our lives upon Satan's mega sword of lies Rev. 6:4, or every wind of the doctrine of men is like building your house upon the sand. Satan, the man of sin, the second horseman of the apocalypse has stolen our peace and sanity by pretending to be God 2 Thess. 2:4 and convincing us that Christ does not have all authority over us Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30. The ways of men cf. agenda 2030 is suffering, insanity, death, and depopulation, but the ways of God are life eternal and every spiritual blessing in Christ. We must continue to suffer through the last days or end times of the kingdoms of men until the Bible is restored for the second coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord Job; James 5:3-7. The Lord will be the only one sanctified, and the only one glorified, and the only one to Whom every knee will bow. In Him, we will have every spiritual blessing in just 43 years!
In 43 years, the second age of the greatest story ever told will save us from the depopulation bibles, religions, and preaching of men

Nehemiah foreshadows how that when we come out of apostasy the Lord will restore the Bible. But like the reformation and restoration movements of men, it also illustrates how the ways of men can't work, they all illustrate how the ways of men can't work, the Bible is not of private interpretation, we cannot bring down from heaven salvation 2 Thess. 2:10. The Greek words for sects or denominations are heresy, Gnosticism, and the two great falls or apostasies of men. At the first coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord, the walls, temple, and Jerusalem were destroyed because they had been taken over by Satan 2 Thess. 2:3-4. Satan had convinced Gnostic Jews to kick against the goads and be antichrist by denying that Christ had come in the flesh and that He has all authority.
It is time for those whom the Lord has called to stop contradicting the Prince of Peace. We can now be involved in the second age of the great commission and take the gospel of peace to the world!

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