Illuminati's Official Prayer Pt 1.

1 year ago

Stanza 2.
130 characters. The Satanic Bible= 130
38 words. 1478 to #’s.

Stanza 3
215 characters 55 words. 2454 to #’s Total: 2724

Illuminati/215 characters= 88. Baphomet= 88
Illuminati/2454 to #’s= 777. The 11 Satanic Rules of Earth are 777 letters.
Illuminati/Total 2724 to #’s= 6651. Illuminati 5/1 (5+1 = 6).

130+38+1478= Total: 1646. The Illuminati Prayer is on Chapter 6
Illuminati 5/1/1776/1478 to #’s= 51. Illuminati 5/1

Stanza 4
377 characters, 96 words, 4531 to #’s. Total: 5004

Illuminati/ Total: 5004= 10227. Illuminati 10 letters, Illuminati 120.
Club of Rome= 10 letters 110 to #’s= 120.
Illuminati found 122nd day. Satanists= 122.

Stanza 5
129 characters. 33 words. 1587 to #’s. Total: 1749
Illuminati/129 characters= 3967. Its 3697

Illuminati/1587 to #’s= 322.15122. Skull and Bones. Illuminati. Light of Lucifer 151.

Stanza 6
1123 to #’s. 96 characters 24 words. Freemasonry 624.
Stanza 4 was 96 words. Total: 1243
Illuminati/ Total: 1243= 222 and Freemasonry 624
Ancient Order of Druids= 222.

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