911 Jordan vs 911 Steph Curry

1 year ago

Wardell Stephen Curry II= 265+21 letters+ 4 words= 290. (2+9= 11).

Steph Curry 3/14/1988-9/11/2001. 777 in minutes. Steph Curry born 3/14.
14-3= 11). 777 in minutes. The 11 Satanic Rules of Earth are 777 letters.
704 weeks. Steph Curry born 74th day of year.

Steph Curry is born 211 years after the founding of the Illuminati. (11-2= 9).
Michael Jeffrey Jordan= 188 to #’s 3 words. 20 letters. (188+3+20= 211= 9).

Michael Jordan 2/17/1963-Curry 3/14/1988. Separation of 911 in seconds.

Michael Jordan born 48th day of year. Curry 74th day of year. (74+48= 122). Illuminati 122nd day.

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