Michael Jordan Compared to NBA Teams

1 year ago

Michael Jordan 2/17/1963-Nuggets-2/2/1967. Separation 1446 days.
Mark of the Beast 144 to #’s. Michael Jordan won 6 rings. 47 months between.
Eddie Marvin Dow a bail-bondsman correlated to Michael Jordan.
Eddie Marvin Dow died at 47. 9/4/1944-2/19/1992.

Denver Nuggets 4/1/1967. April 1 is 9/11. Michael Jordan is hand size 9/11. Separation of 4 years. Johnny Kilroy Jordan wore 4. 216 in minutes.
Michael Jordan weighs 216. 56 in seconds. James Jordan died at 56.
Michael Jordan went 18-8 against Denver. Michael Jeffrey Jordan= 188.

Dallas Mavericks 5/1/1980. Illuminati 5/1. Separation of 628 in days.
Skull and Bones founded on 6/28. 150 in hours. Dallas Mavericks= 150.
5/1 in seconds. Dallas Mavericks 5/1/1980. Illuminati 5/1. 2 months 17 years.
Michael Jordan born on 2/17. Dallas Mavericks became the 23rd team to join the NBA. Michael Jordan wears 23.

Michael Jordan 2/17/1963-Grizzlies 11/3/1995. Separation of 11947 days.
Eddie Marvin Dow died at 47. Freemason Compass 47 degrees. 17 days between.
Michael Jordan was born on 17th. 1707 weeks. Michael Jordan was born on 17th wore 7 in football. 17,203 in minutes. Michael Jordan was born on 17th wore 23.
628 contained twice in hours. Skull and Bones found on 628.
322 in seconds. Skull and Bones 322.

Michael Jordan 2/17/1963-2/6/1970-Cleveland Cavaliers, Clippers, and the Portland Trailblazers all founded. Separation of 666 in minutes. 624 in minutes. Freemasonry 624. 6 years. Jordan won 6 rings. 11 months 20 days between. Illuminati 120.

21/30= 70% connections with teams he faced and played for. Seventy= 110 to #’s.
Michael Jordan is from NY 11th state. Seventy= 7 letters. Wore 7 in football.
110+7= 117 and (9=1+1+7). 21/1963= 911

70/1963= 56704. James Jordan died at 56. 70% connections
James Jordan died at interstate 74.

21/31= 51776. Illuminati Confirmed.

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