1 year ago

Not purposely deformed and having no sagittal suture, dividing the pareital bone portions of the skull. Elongation a natural trait.
Serpetine! Not as many fingers, either? Many of the Rephaim were known to have 6 fingers and/or toes. GENESIS 6

Sick and tired of "experts" calling the Rephaim / Giants "NEPHILIM", the shorter race of demonic minions.
Nephesh = fleshly soul. They "took on flesh".
They, like so-called "shape-shifters", were/are able to take on fleshly bodies, also as divine angels are able to appear as human beings. Some "etertain angels, unaware".
No, we're not alone. Never have been.
These beings, however, are NOT our biological ANCESTORS.
They are simply our PREDECESSORS!

Many Native American (and other) tribes have names for themsleves, meaning TRUE PEOPLE or HUMAN BEINGS.

When mixing totally different (completely unrelated) races, you never know what "deformity" / variation you are going to get in result.

Where the heck do people who have seen and believe in Sabe', Sasquatch or Bigfoot think they come from? Why have we seen foot tracks (especially in snow) that simply stop, as if somehow vanishing into thin AIR? Who is Lord of the Air?

Have you ever heard of "TARTARUS" or even "Tarzaria"?
A subject as interesting as it is deep!
Tarzan, king of the apes?
Sound anything like a rhyme with Khazar?
They are literally vampirish bloodthirsty cannibals!
Transfusion - veins

1. a large tableland region of northwestern Romania, separated from the rest of the country by the Carpathian Mountains and the Transylvanian Alps. Part of Hungary until it became a principality of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century, it was returned to Hungary at the end of the 17th century and was incorporated into Romania in 1918.

2. (in US history) an unrecognized fourteenth colony that was proposed in the 1770s in what is now central Kentucky and neighboring Tennessee.

Khazar was the home of these "gypsy" types.
aka "gypsy kings" (and princesses / queens).
They are diabolical, as in DIABLO, the devil.

Know anything about the people having names of this origin.
Cherilyn Sarkisian?
NO accusations nor suppositions. Just looks so similar.

Now, run along, kids, as finish your homework.

Later on, maybe we'll talk about Jinns, Gins, Gens, Genies, Genes, Generations, Genealogy, etc.
It's in our DNA to explore mysteries!

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