Doc prescribes chemo for healthy patients for the $$$ kickback

1 year ago

There should be NO kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, medical groups, or ANYWHERE for doctors to give certain diagnoses or certain medications. PERIOD!!!
WHY is this logical, reasonable, or logical?? It immediately creates a conflict of interest, and the patients all think that every doctor honestly only thinks of their best interest and would only recommend what is best for them.
I'm beyond skeptical at this point in my life and experience. If I had it to do all over neither Inor ANY of my four kids would ever have received anything called a vaccine, and thank God that my mother allowed our immune systems to work and didn't run us to the doctor for every small thing when we were children! I wish I had been that wise when my own kids were little. I thought I'd learned better and knew more than my mom had. Nope! Turns out, my mom was right all along: Don't rush to the doctor for small things--let your immune system handle it; stay away from anti-biotics unless absolutely necessary; and run the other direction from anything they put on a "schedule" or call a "vaccine." After that C19 fiasco, never even a flu shot would I trust again. (The only flu shot I'd gotten even before C19 was 5 yrs before, and it gave me a horrible flu & I said, "Never again." C19 just confirmed that resolution.)
As far as cancer goes? is the Joe Tippens cancer cure story and how he did it. THAT (Plus apricot kernals for the vitamin B17 and essiac tea and soursop) is my own plan in case I should ever end up with that problem--NOT toxic, poisonous chemo.

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