12/10/23 “ we pray the power of divine mysteries.“ ❤️

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The Power of Divine Mysteries!
December 7, 2023 Veronika West

The Power of Divine Mysteries: Unlocking the Hidden Secrets of His Glory for Spiritual Growth and Fulfillment
When we access the Divine Mysteries of God, they give us a competitive advantage and a supernatural edge as we navigate through life and fulfill our destinies as Sons and Daughters.

As His Children He has made available to us Divine Wisdom and knowledge that others, who do not know Him cannot possess.

The Mysteries of God position us for success, and empower and enable us to overcome every obstacle and challenge that may come our way.

However, these Divine Mysteries are not readily available to anyone, because they are intentionally hidden by The Holy Spirit, waiting to be revealed to those who will seek Him in true Intimacy and surrender.

It is only through building a relationship of true Intimacy with The Holy Spirit, that we gain access to the secrets and hidden Mysteries of His Heart.

This intimacy is vital for our journey, because if what we need to have a spiritual advantage over — every assignment of the enemy — it can only be revealed by the Spirit.

So, we must cultivate a deep connection with Him, in order to know and understand why He created us.

The Bible reminds us that The Secret Things belong to God, (Deuteronomy 29:29) but the things that are revealed belong to us and our children forever.

This proclamation highlights the significance of seeking these Divine Mysteries and embracing them as part of our spiritual growth into true Sonship.

We are not meant to remain in ignorance, but to actively pursue Understanding and Revelation through The Word and The Spirit!

Even Jesus, the Son of God, could not have known unless the Father had revealed it to Him.

The people who were physically present with Him did not truly grasp His Divinity, until it was unveiled and revealed to them by The Spirit.

Friends, this emphasizes the importance of Revelation and Understanding in our spiritual walk with our Creator.

We don’t necessarily need to physically witness events, or be present in certain situations to know and understand spiritual truths.

It is through Supernatural Revelation that we come to know and experience the reality of these Secret Mysteries in our lives.

As Christians, it is crucial for us to diligently study The Bible of God, to discover the Mysteries that have been placed there for our advantage and the fulfillment of our Destiny.

These Mysteries are designed to enhance our relationship with God and empower us to live out our purpose.

As we engage with these Truths, we trust that The Holy Spirit will bring us into the deeper realms and dimensions of His Glory.

Our desire is not just to read about them — but to see them become tangible realities in our daily lives, so that we can become the Glory Carries that we have been created to be.

So, let us embrace the Mysteries, seeking the revelation of The Spirit, and allowing them to change and transform us into mighty, victorious and purposeful Sons and Daughters.

May we approach the study of The Word with a ravenous hunger and an unquenchable thirst for a greater insight and understanding, with a heart that is always open to receive deeper measures of Divine Revelation.

In doing so, we will unlock the hidden treasures of these Secret Mysteries and experience the incredible wonders they offer in our journey of Faith and Obedience.

As we continue to delve into the Mysteries of God, we must also acknowledge that our understanding of these truths will always be limited.

For we see through a glass dimly, as the Apostle Paul wrote (1 Corinthians 13:12). Our finite minds can only comprehend so much, and there will always be aspects of God’s Mysteries that elude us.

This I believe, keeps us humble, teachable and fully dependent on God!

This should never discourage us, but rather inspire us to seek with greater Zeal and Passion for deeper and more meaningful relationship with The Holy Spirit.

The pursuit of these Mysteries is not a one-time endeavor, but a lifelong journey — and let’s keep in mind — we never arrive!

It is a Faith journey, constant exploration and discovery of the depths of God’s Wisdom and Knowledge, being made available to those who will ask, seek and knock. (Matthew 7:7-8)

As we grow in deeper intimacy and consecration with The Holy Spirit, He reveals more and more of these Divine Mysteries to us, opening our eyes to new levels of seeing and hearing.

Yet, as we seek these Revelations, we must also approach them with Humility and Reverence.

We should never boast or think ourselves superior because of the knowledge we gain! Knowledge puffs up — Wisdom propels us forward!

Instead, we should recognize that it is solely by God’s Grace and Divine Favor that we are granted access to these hidden Truths.

Moreover, as we walk in the Revelation of these Mysteries, it is not for our own personal gain alone.

We are called to share what we have learned with others, to be vessels of God’s Wisdom and Understanding, to a world that is blind and lost.

That in itself is a remarkable privilege and responsibility as Sons and Daughters!

In sharing these Mysteries with others, we contribute to the growth and edification of The Body of Christ.

We help bring Unity and Understanding, as we all strive to walk in the fullness of God’s Truth.

It is through this collective Knowledge and Revelation that we can fulfill our purpose as The Church and impact the world around us.

So let us press on in our pursuit of these Mysteries, knowing that there is always more to discover and learn.

Let us commit ourselves to a life of seeking to be True Lovers of the Presence, allowing Him to reveal and uncover to us the hidden depths of His Wisdom — and let us humbly share what we have learned, so that together — as One — we may walk in the fullness of God’s Truth and experience the abundant life He has called us to!

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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