College Professors Sure Do Have A Problem With Whiteness

9 months ago

Just yesterday, I did a post on Professor Ibram X. Kendi telling an audience that whiteness "prevents white people from connecting with humanity." A lecturer at the University of Chicago couldn't understand the backlash she got from teaching a class called "The Problem of Whiteness." A Rutgers professor said this last December: Rutgers professor says that "white people are committed to being villains" and falsely claims that Africans arrived in North America before white Europeans. "Whiteness is going to have an end date," she warns. "We gotta take these muthafuckers out." -- University professors seem overrepresented when it comes to disparaging "whiteness." Academia is a safe space for progressives so they can do things like that and be rewarded for it.

We've covered a few of the professors in this video, but there were more than we could catch: While some colleges say they *might* start to address anti-Jewish sentiment on campus… American colleges & professors are still very comfortable with calling for white genocide and hatred for white people. Just listen to them. Why would we expect the presidents of universities who hire people like this to care about their Jewish students? Full article/interview, with Texas A&M philosophy professor Tommy Curry. It's insane. “When Is It OK To Kill Whites?” -- This is the real systematic, institutionalised racism, racial discrimination, racial hostility that people in power ignore.

Anyone who thinks this is harmless needs to brush up on history. And we're supposed to pay off the student loans of people who sat in these professors' classes — with the word "classes" used very broadly. It should be unacceptable to target any group with this rhetoric. It was cowardly to ignore it simply because it was targeting whites and it speaks to how deeply the racial oppression hierarchy is imbedded even among conservatives. But we're not allowed to talk about it. Thank goodness for Gov. Ron DeSantis for stripping all of the DEI departments out of Florida's state schools … the rest should follow.

Rumble: Rutgers Professor: 'Whiteness Is Going To Have An End Date… We Gotta Take These Muthafuckers Out'

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