December 10, 2023

1 year ago

The whole world is talking about Shedding!
Serious illness, headaches, migraine 😫, energy loss 📉, loss of a child 😢, aggressive, tiredness, concentration difficulties, Depression, Unexplained pain, poor sleep, restless, nervous...
ALL just by being under vaccinated people at work, sport, family...
Watch the video to get some ideas 💡 👀 about the problem AND THE possible SOLUTIONS!

Solutions can be the CLEANSING VIDEO with Soul-Language and Michael's Transformation POWER!

Energetic clearing work with spiritual beings, angles and so on, Grandfathers special "energetic-clearing-prayers", the Soul Language / Light Language / Talking in Tongues and my divine "I am being" are often the solution, people were seeking for a long time!


Customer feedback:
+Energetic & mental clarity
+Mental & physical burden falls off
+Instant change can happen
+Connections become clear and can be solved
+Self-confidence, courage, strength, clarity to go YOUR way!
+Courage to stand by YOUR truth!
+Joy, life energy & motivation returns
+Partnership can flourish
+People perceive you differently, have more respect for you
+Profession comes to life
+The meaning of life can be recognized and lived
and much more

Consciousness is above matter!
It´s all about Energie and Frequency (Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla)
I am happy to serve YOU!

All the best!
Michael König-Breuss

#soullanguage #lightlanguage #speakingintongues #consciousness #health #spirituality #karma #karmaclearing #instantchange #foreignenergies #foreignenergyclearing #god #creator #jesus #christ #angel #meaningoflife #lifeplan #source #healing #miraclehealings #spontaneoushealing #intuition #conspiracytheory #vaccinehelp #sideffects #Shedding #covidhelp #headeacke #migraine #tired #DiedSuddenly #suddendeath #selfempowerment #healing #spirituality #spiritualhealing #devineplan #awakening #Talkingintongues

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