Sagittarius New Moon conjunct Mars: Feeling Restless & Unfamiliar Brings New Comfort

10 months ago

This New Moon in 20°-Sagittarius with the Sun, Moon, and Mars together ties in a lot of upcoming transits into January and April 2024.

New Moon conjunct Mars message: when the upheaval is shaking up your comforts and routines, the action energy of Mars says if you don't know what to do, CELEBRATE YOU. See how far you've come and have Reverence for self.

Jupiter direct in Taurus Dec 30, 2023: So much positivity, luck, expansion and activated gifts will be coming to you - because that's who you always were and you've made room for it.

Uranus direct in Taurus Jan 27, 2024: We're going to be pursuing our dreams with our hearts on our sleeves going forward into the next year, not minding what others say, do, or think. We're just going to have respect for all and feel the Oneness that resides in being ourselves.

Gemini empty house during this New Moon: We are being asked to be the energy of the sign that's empty in the Cosmos right now. How be balance our own masculine/feminine energies is by REJECTING PROJECTIONS that come from the outside. It's not efforting from within, it's rejecting what was always 'without'.

Correction to Profected House Years: I didn't do the math right in my head so number 31 is actually the 7th House of Libra (not 8th House of Scorpio)...which is exactly what was written on the card lol. Though the Eclipse in Libra card does contain the energy of Scorpio in the reverse number of 13 which is also the 20° (Scorpio degree) of this new moon. Sorry for the confusion if this actually applied to you! But it's great that this card and number reflect the Nodes we're in which amplify the Libra energy for this whole year.

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