TETSU: Riding Through the Unknown: Episode Four Andromedan Contactee Alex Collier

10 months ago

Come join me on my journey as I speak with Alex Collier. Alex Collier is a contactee with the ET race known as the Andromedans from the star system Andromeda. Alex is an author, webinar host and speaker. Alex has been sharing his experiences as far back as in the 1990s. Alex is sharing weekly on his webinar show information shared to him from his contacts and is a leading member of sharing disclosure.

Links for Alex Collier

Come join me as we see what information Alex has to share with us and what it is like to be contacted by the Andromedans.

Come join us also by viewing our show on the Etalk.tv network via the following link: https://www.etalk.tv/the-energy-that-surrounds-us and listen live on the radio at https://www.etalk.tv/radio .

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