Why Did God Create Hell? Demon Erasers

1 year ago

Why Did God Create Hell? Demon Erasers Apr 26, 2023
You ever wondered what the hell? Well... hell was not created for humans and God doesn't send humans to hell. This is just my opinion because we do not fully have biblical text explaining this and we cannot possibly comprehend things outside of time.About

Here we discus everything about the truth of demons, from where they came from, what and who they really are, the history of demons, demons in our ancient history, the Nephlim, the gods, all the way to their involvement in our world now and their involvement in your life today, and how to fight them. We expose the hidden realm of demons and demonic forces and the lies they have told humanity for centuries in order for them to stay hidden in plane sight. we hope to teach you how to see and how to stand against this demonic realm that is growing more intense as time passes.

1 ENOCH: 15:8
Now the giants (Nephilim), who lave been born of spirit and of flesh, shall be called upon earth evil spirits, and on earth shall be their habitation...

MARK 16:17
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out Demons...

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