Why You Want to Use a Chronograph

1 year ago

Recently the Redneck Preppy reviewed the latest chronograph to hit the market, but it occurred to him that new shooters and reloaders might not know why knowing how fast their bullets are travelling might be a useful or important thing. Today, he explains all.

0:06 Introduction
0:54 Verifying Manufacturer Claims
1:27 Verifying Manufacturer Ammo Velocity is Consistent
2:15 More Effective Hunting Ammunition
2:46 Aids Trajectory Calculation
3:15 Determine if Environmental Factors are Affecting Ammo
4:08 Verifying Data in Reloading and Handloading
5:02 Find Issues in Your Reloading and Handloading
5:38 So Do You Actually Need a Chronograph?

Gunpowder Temperature Sensitivity: Fact or Fiction - https://www.rifleshootermag.com/editorial/fact-fiction-gunpowder-temperature-sensitivity/83518

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