Father Of Guy Charged With Federal Firearm Crime Lectures Us About 'Gun Safety' Again (Incoherently)

1 year ago

President Biden was in Las Vegas yesterday to talk about how this administration plans to spend "a billion, three hundred million, trillion, three hundred million dollars" on high-speed rail projects that will probably never be finished and end up wildly over budget. And yes, that's how much Biden said the projects will cost: “A billion, three hundred million, trillion, three hundred million dollars!" https://rumble.com/v40gbze-president-biden-invents-an-entirely-new-amount-of-money-maybe-this-was-the-.html -- Wow, that's a lot of money! But it wouldn't have been a Biden speech without the president stressing the importance of finding ways to keep certain kinds of firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens (Biden has yet to notice that criminals don't care about laws, "gun-free zone" signs or anything like that).

Along the way, Biden said that mass murders, except the most recent, have been for this reason: Biden: "All these mass murders, not this weekend, but have been because people have picked up, kids have grabbed stuff off of counters … we need to ban assault weapons." -- There's another lecture from Biden about "gun safety" that should have been reserved for his son, who is up on federal firearm charges. That's to be expected though. Biden lectures the rich about paying their "fair share" in taxes when that same son just got hit with nine indictments for tax evasion. - I hate it when people leave their assault weapons all over the counters. Yeah, that always sucks. Listening to him is no longer like SNL, but more of a horror film. As the meme goes, this is what ends up happening when you order a president by mail. Ban counters and then they wouldn’t be able to grab anything off of them. SHH! Don't give Joe any ideas.

Speaking of Biden and "gun safety," this was always my favorite tip from Joe: Vice President Joe Biden told Field & Stream magazine in an interview published Monday, "[if] you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door." What could possibly go wrong? The FedEx guy must get pretty nervous making deliveries to the Bidens' house. This one was also something else: Biden told an interviewer that he had advised his wife, Jill, "if there's ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony here, walk out and put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house." -- Great. Now she's standing there with an empty shotgun. Great advice, Joe!

Rumble: He's Getting Worse: Joe Biden's Brain Breakage Reaches A New Low In Las Vegas

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