All Things Spiritual-To What En Part 2

10 months ago

In this lesson, the focus is on the continuity of scripture and the Word. Jesus warns his disciples not to be deceived, as many will come in his name and deceive many. He warns of wars, earthquakes, famines, and troubles, but warns them that the end is not yet. He instructs them to be cautious in their walk with Him and to be cautious of false Christs and prophets.

The disciples were not given the power to know the times and seasons of the end, but it is God's power to reveal them when He sees fit. This same instruction is given to us today. There are three requirements for revelation by the Holy Ghost: it must be in the Word of God, cannot be contrary to it, and must be proven by the Word of God.

By following these guidelines, we can avoid being deceived by signs and wonders and avoid being deceived by seducers and imposters. Jesus warns us to be cautious and to be prepared to face the consequences of our actions.

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