Every Knee Will Bow and Every Tongue Will Confess!

1 year ago

Man was made in the image of God for His purpose! Our purpose was to love, honor, and obey God! Man refused to acknowledge God and His authority for his own ways and conclusions. Because of this God has acted on the promised consequences for our pride and rebellion.
Mankind as a whole thinks we will exalt ourselves and do our own thing making God and creation bow to our own way.
God promises it is Him who will be bowed to willingly or unwillingly.
It’s a truth hard for many to stomach but it is the truth!
You will bow in this life willingly or you will bow in the next through force. Choose wisely!

The Bible is explicitly clear Jesus is the only way of salvation and that in Him is the only way we can bow to God!
Repent and be saved!
Or rebel and be condemned!

#Isaiah45 #jesussavior #theway #repentance #bible #lookuntoJesus #Jesussaves #SaviorOfTheWorld #WeNeedJesus

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