The Canadian Dream

1 year ago

Canadians, it’s time to wake up and see the damage Justin Trudeau and his liberal policies have caused. Our country’s resources are being spent bringing in immigrants, while our own citizens struggle to put food on the table.

It’s time to stand up against this tyrant and bring back the Canadian dream. Let’s fight for our own people and prioritize their well-being over outsiders. The true Canadian spirit is about taking care of our own first.

Enough is enough. No more empty promises and photo ops. It’s time to demand real change and real action for the people at home. It’s time to put Canada first.

Join the movement to bring back the Canadian dream. Stand up for your fellow citizens and make our voices heard. 🇨🇦 #CanadaFirst #TrudeauOut #BringBackTheDream #CanadianValues #OurPeopleFirst #NoMoreLies

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