TransHumanism: The 4th Industrial Revolution Works by Changing YOU!

1 year ago

TransHumanism: The 4th Industrial Revolution Works by Changing YOU!
Alex Newman - CEO, Liberty Sentinel Media

Hey…Buy us a cup of Coffee:

Having appeared on Fox News and penned the book, “The Deep State”, journalist Alex Newman considers himself an “educator exposing evil”. When Covid’s tyranny awakened folks enough to notice Orwellian connections, they saw a big one when World Economic Founder Klaus Schwab told the public that the “Great Reset” would not just change the world, it would change “YOU!”

He was referring to transhumanism, the 4th major change in society – for those keeping count. Libertarians counter with “The Greater Reset” or “A Great Awakening” – envisioning a freer, more loving future, rather than the coercive and fake “sustainable” goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030. That agenda includes cancelable digital currency, energy-rationing carbon footprints, digital ID and tracking, medical passports, land and property grabs, and much more.

The medical compliance piece includes at least two horrific aspects: required annual COVID-like shots which we now know are highly dangerous, and a growing mesh of wireless antennas outside our bedrooms which will trap everyone in a “Digital Gulag.”

“They” are researching viral weaponization and microbial, genetic modification. “They” are modifying foods (such as lettuce) to contain mRNA spike proteins and nano-tech, and are developing health-depleting injections for livestock and crops. Weather control? They’ve been using it for years. It’s in the Congressional Record as far back as 2007, yet no safety studies have been done, and the public has had no say in the matter.

Any takers for this Transhumanist Revolution? If not, how do we stop it???

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