A fascinating in-depth look at some of the lesser known aspects of 9/11 (rare documentary)

1 year ago

Spoiler alert: One of the great highlights of this documentary comes at 51:30: Many of the alleged hijackers resided in the exact same town in Florida as thirty known Israeli spies – and the name of that town? Hollywood. But that is just another coincidence, of course.

As for the rest of this production, we do not necessarily endorse all of it – we simply present it to you, for your consideration.

Regardless of what caused the initial huge explosions in the two great towers, the following is absolutely certain: All three of the towers that "collapsed" into their own footprint on 9/11 (including the so-called Building Seven) had been carefully prepared for CONTROLLED DEMOLITION well before that date, and it was a special type of thermite that made those demolitions possible. Moreover, this controlled demolition, "livestreamed" via TV, and falsely portrayed as a "Muslim terrorist attack", was made possible by the involvement of Israel's MOSSAD, which had a clear motive for carrying out such an attack, over a period of several years, but MOSSAD must have been cooperating with, or been allowed to do what they did, by key persons in American intelligence organizations, such as the CIA.

22 years later, no "Justice and Accountability" has been achieved. This is extremely disgraceful, and totally unacceptable, not does not bode well for the future. Until Americans come out "en masse" and demand, by putting their livelihoods and their lives on the line of necessary, that the REAL perpetrators of this century-defining crime are hunted down and punished, and do not return to their everyday lives until Justice is actually done, the U.S. as a state has no credibility whatsoever.

Fiat justitia ruat caelum!

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