Prayer | 30 DAYS TO SAY - Day 07- Casting Down Imaginations - Marty Grisham of Loudmouth Prayer

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30 Days to Say - Day 07 – Casting Down Imaginations (Hebrews 4:14,16; II Corinthians 10:5)
I cast down imaginations.
It’s my job.
All the time, casting down imaginations.
Every thought that comes my way
Has to stand before the judge,
And that’s me.
I judge every thought that comes my way,
To my mind.

I know the Word of God
And I judge thoughts to make sure
They’re in line with God’s Word.
If they’re NOT in line with God’s Word,
I resist them, and they flee from me.
I’m the great judge of every thought that comes my way.
This is part of me judging myself.
Me, judging my thought life.

So I cast down imaginations,
And every high thing,
Thought life,
Pattern of thinking
That tries to exalt itself above what God says about me.

I cast down imaginations.
I cast down thoughts
That are not God’s will for my life.
And I bring into captivity,
Bring it captive,
Every thought
To the obedience of Christ’s redemptive work for my life.

I see what Jesus gave me:
The fullness of His redemptive work.
I bring every thought captive
And draw it to be in line with what He did for me.

I am the great judge of my thoughts;
And the Word of God is my rulebook.
It is the great Law of my thought life.
I study the Word (the Law) of thinking.
I read the Word—
the rulebook and lawbook of thinking—
And that allows me to judge
Every single thought that comes my way.
And I don’t really get a break.
This is my job: I do it for me,
You do it for you;
I do it for me.

I have the mind of Christ
Because I embrace His thinking
Shown in the great Book of Law
That equips me to be the judge
Over my thought life.
I command wrong thoughts
To LEAVE from me in the name of Jesus.
I resist them
And they flee.
And I always do it in Jesus’ name.
And I even apply the blood of Jesus over my thought life.
In the name of Jesus,
I apply the BLOOD of Jesus.
I plead the blood of Jesus
Over my thought life.

That great song said:
"What can wash away our sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus."
What can make your thought life right again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What washes away sinful thinking?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

So I allow the blood of Jesus,
And I use the name of Jesus,
And I manage my thought life TODAY.
AMEN! Praise God.

Based on: II Cor 10:5 (1. This is OUR responsibility; I’m responsible for my soul and body, my thought life. 2. You don’t get time off. You have to keep up the Word of God as a shield of faith against those thoughts.)

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