Blindspot 92 - How to lose every battle & the war: Lessons from Ukraine/NATO

1 year ago

Blindspot 92
How to Loose a War: lesson for US-NATO & Ukraine

Buiteboer // From Bunker 42

Odds are that contemporary, and particularly historical texts, tend to lean towards writing the grand victories, the rise to Uber-super power status of a nation or empire. However, while lots of lessons can be learnt from history of the victorious, it is likewise possible to learn from lost wars, and battles in which armies lose their cool to join the ranks of those ridiculed as over-run vanquished wannabees.

But, now that the Gazapocalypse is trending beyond what Zelensky can deal with at this stage, Blindspot thought, once again, a war was instigated, supported and funded to the tune of hundreds of billions of US$, only now to be quietly shut down and hushed off the geopolitical stage to make way for the ‘next thing’ / war, being Gaza.

Is Ukraine therefore not another lost US/NATO war, where nothing but utter destruction and confusion was achieved as main outcome?


Brian Berletic. West admits Ukraine is losing proxy war.

The Siberian Times. 8000 US troops deploy in Siberia:the 27th and 31st Infantry Regiments act ‘to stabilise Russia.’ 2 August, 2016.

SouthFront. ‘Bad News’ coming from Ukraine fronts. 4 December, 2023.

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