12/9/ Operation "Squirrel" and Out Foxing the Enemy

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Operation "Squirrel"
We're sorry folks but you are just not going to be able to crack that large nutty land of Washington D.C. - Not, and I repeat, Not going to happen! I'm talking about the one that Fox and Friends harps on continually and we put most of our time and all of our hope in changing? We can and must turn our attention to the local scene, capture it and then move upward. BJ and Mr. Anderson interview a local resident who has helped start that local process along with his neighbors.
Out Foxing the Enemy
In hour number 2 let's talk about that mainstream media and sadly that includes the likes of Fox News. There are others that are honest and well intended but like all other news providers their sole focus is on impossible situations like the border and working with unreachable DC politicians and unbelievable spending in a time where our public and personal communication are all under the total control of Big Brother. If you want to make a difference please consider joining us this Saturday. We are locally focused where we take a realistic and commonsense approach to our 1984 Brave New World. You'll find it refreshing and effective . . . When "we the people" show up we win.

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