History Gulag And Russia Jews Holocaust And U.S.A. Concentration Sex Slave Camps

1 year ago

U.S.A. History China Gulag And Russia Jews Goulag Creation of a system of concentration and correctional labor camps began in the Soviet Union in 1919 but “blossomed” during Stalin’s reign of terror. The word Gulag or Goulag is actually an acronym (used from 1930) for (Glavnoye Upravleniye LAGerey), or Main Camp Administration, which was a special division of the secret police and the Soviet Ministry of the Interior overseeing the use of the physical labor of prisoners. Alongside criminals and recidivists, the majority of Goulag prisoners were completely innocent people locked up for a broad variety of political reasons – on the basis of trumped up charges or ethnicity, or even without apparent cause.

These political prisoners suffered the most because, on top of the brutal hard labor conditions and the despotism of guards, they were terrorized by criminal prisoners. Historians estimate the total number of Goulag prisoners at 15-18 million, of whom at least 1.5 million did not survive their incarceration. The victims of the Soviet Gulag were not only from the nations of the USSR but were also citizens of other countries – Czechoslovaks, Poles, Hungarians, Frenchmen, Americans, and others.

The vast network of camps dotted around the entire territory of the USSR consisted of almost 500 camp administrations running dozens or even hundreds of individual camps (estimates of the total number are as high as 30,000). The prisoners’ slave labor was used in timber production and mining and on gigantic construction projects (the White Sea Canal, dams, motorways, and railways). After Stalin’s death in 1953, the number of prisoners declined considerably and the Gulag was officially done away with in 1960. Nevertheless, a number of labor colonies continued to exist and were used to inter political prisoners and Soviet dissidents, though not in such atrocious conditions or numbers as under Stalin.

How the Gulag changed
Russia’s Bolshevik putsch creates a new kind of prisoner: the “class enemy,” a tag than can be applied to practically anybody.

Trotsky and Lenin explore the idea of setting up concentration camps for class enemies where convicts will carry out manual labor. Camps that have housed POWs freed under the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk are used for this purpose. The Cheka secret police, the precursor of the NKVD and KGB, is tasked with administering the camps.

The All-Russian Central Executive Committee passes a decree on the creation of forced labor camps; it comes into force on 15 April 1919.

The first model camp of the future Gulag system is created in the White Sea region, making use of former Orthodox monastery buildings on the Solovetsky Islands. The first prisoners are genuine political opponents of the Bolsheviks (members of anti-Bolshevik, mostly left-wing, parties, intellectuals, and members of the White Army).

The Solovetsky Islands become the center of the camp system in northern Russia, which receives the name “Northern Camps of Special Significance” (SLON). At that time it was the only camp complex administered by the GPU secret police.

Stalin announces a programmed of rapid industrialization and five-year plans. The Politburo decides to establish a unified network of camps to replace the hitherto dual prison system for class enemies and criminals. The secret police administer the camps.

Archipelagos of camps grow up at the sites of enormous economic projects such as a canal from the White Sea to the Baltic Sea, gold mining in Kolyma, communications constructions, the Baikal-Amur Mainline in the second half of the 1930s, etc.

Creation of the Main Camp Administration (Glavnoye upravleniye lagerey, GULAG – an acronym that has appeared sporadically since 1930) under the USSR’s People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs, which takes over the management of practically all Soviet prison facilities. The acronym of this administrative body gradually catches on as a general term for Soviet prisons and camps (the Soviet penal system).

The period of Stalin’s Great Terror. The highest echelons of the Communist Party, the army, the civil service and also the Gulag management are particularly hit by the purges. Many people are executed while the remainder are sent to the camps, which are unable to handle the mass influx of prisoners. The death rate among prisoners increases by up to threefold.

The start of WWII sees both an influx of prisoners deported from territory freshly occupied by the Soviet Union (Eastern Poland, the Baltics, Bessarabia) and the release of certain categories of prisoner to meet the needs of the Red Army.

There is a fresh wave of arrests among the ranks of the Red Army, former German POWs and ethnic minorities, including Soviet Jews.

Stalin launches the construction of new megalomaniacal projects, including the Volga-Don Canal, new power stations, dams, and communications. Among them are the Dead Road and a tunnel and railway to Sakhalin Island; both are halted immediately after Stalin’s death.

Stalin dies. Lavrentiy Beria briefly takes control and announces an amnesty that concerns those convicted of minor criminal activities and completely overlooks political prisoners.

Under Nikita Khrushchev widespread releases take place and almost four million political crime cases are reviewed. A period referred to as the Khrushchev Thaw begins.

The Gulag system is abolished on the basis of a reform. Many labor camps are shut down. The Soviet economy is no longer based on the slave labor of prisoners.

Political prisoners have not disappeared but their number falls markedly and now dissidents are only imprisoned for genuine opposition to the regime. They are most frequently sent to labor camps in Mordovia or around Perm in the Urals. They too serve their sentences in terrible conditions (hunger, disease, rape) but the camps do not have such high death rates. Many dissidents are placed in psychiatric hospital where they undergo cruel “medical” procedures.

Heil Arnold Schwarzenegger Don’t Become A Nazi Loser Like My Dad Covid-19 Shot


In Bizarre Anti-Semitic Rant, Roseanne Barr Claims Holocaust 'Never Happened'
The actor, who is Jewish, said that 'nobody died in the Holocaust. That’s the truth. It should happen - 6 million Jews should die right now because they cause all the problems in the world'

So Their 6,000,000 Dead Jews Who Are Killed In World War One By Russia And That The Jews Never Existed ? - Started Being Killed By Who 18 Years Before Hitler Assumed Power ?


Arnold Schwarzenegger says his father was among millions ‘sucked into a hate system’ by lies. Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday spoke out against antisemitism and hate, pointing to his family history in the hope it would stand as an example for others.

Japanese America Citizens Internment And U.S.A. Concentration Camps Japanese internment camps were established during World War II by President Franklin D. Roosevelt through his Executive Order 9066. From 1942 to 1945, it was the policy of the U.S. government that people of Japanese descent, including U.S. citizens, would be incarcerated in isolated camps. Enacted in reaction to the Pearl Harbor attacks and the ensuing war, the incarceration of Japanese Americans is considered one of the most atrocious violations of American civil rights in the 20th century.

Executive Order 9066
On February 19, 1942, shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 with the stated intention of preventing espionage on American shores.

Military zones were created in California, Washington and Oregon—states with a large population of Japanese Americans. Then Roosevelt’s executive order forcibly removed Americans of Japanese ancestry from their homes. Executive Order 9066 affected the lives about 120,000 people—the majority of whom were American citizens.

Canada soon followed suit, forcibly removing 21,000 of its residents of Japanese descent from its west coast. Mexico enacted its own version, and eventually 2,264 more people of Japanese descent were forcibly removed from Peru, Brazil, Chile and Argentina to the United States.

Anti-Japanese American Activity
Weeks before the order, the Navy removed citizens of Japanese descent from Terminal Island near the Port of Los Angeles.

On December 7, 1941, just hours after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the FBI rounded-up 1,291 Japanese American community and religious leaders, arresting them without evidence and freezing their assets.

In January, the arrestees were transferred to prison camps in Montana, New Mexico and North Dakota, many unable to inform their families and most remaining for the duration of the war.

Concurrently, the FBI searched the private homes of thousands of Japanese American residents on the West Coast, seizing items considered contraband.

One-third of Hawaii’s population was of Japanese descent. In a panic, some politicians called for their mass incarceration. Japanese-owned fishing boats were impounded.

Some Japanese American residents were arrested and 1,500 people—one percent of the Japanese population in Hawaii—were sent to prison camps on the U.S. mainland.

John DeWitt
Lt. General John L. DeWitt, leader of the Western Defense Command, believed that the civilian population needed to be taken control of to prevent a repeat of Pearl Harbor.

To argue his case, DeWitt prepared a report filled with known falsehoods, such as examples of sabotage that were later revealed to be the result of cattle damaging power lines.

DeWitt suggested the creation of the military zones and Japanese detainment to Secretary of War Henry Stimson and Attorney General Francis Biddle. His original plan included Italians and Germans, though the idea of rounding-up Americans of European descent was not as popular.

At Congressional hearings in February 1942, a majority of the testimonies, including those from California Governor Culbert L. Olson and State Attorney General Earl Warren, declared that all Japanese should be removed.

Biddle pleaded with the president that mass incarceration of citizens was not required, preferring smaller, more targeted security measures. Regardless, Roosevelt signed the order.

War Relocation Authority
After much organizational chaos, about 15,000 Japanese Americans willingly moved out of prohibited areas. Inland state citizens were not keen for new Japanese American residents, and they were met with racist resistance.

Ten state governors voiced opposition, fearing the Japanese Americans might never leave, and demanded they be locked up if the states were forced to accept them.

A civilian organization called the War Relocation Authority was set up in March 1942 to administer the plan, with Milton S. Eisenhower from the Department of Agriculture to lead it. Eisenhower only lasted until June 1942, resigning in protest over what he characterized as incarcerating innocent citizens.

Relocation to 'Assembly Centers'
Army-directed removals began on March 24. People had six days notice to dispose of their belongings other than what they could carry.

Anyone who was at least 1/16th Japanese was evacuated, including 17,000 children under age 10, as well as several thousand elderly and disabled residents.

Japanese Americans reported to "Assembly Centers" near their homes. From there they were transported to a "Relocation Center" where they might live for months before transfer to a permanent "Wartime Residence."

Assembly Centers were located in remote areas, often reconfigured fairgrounds and racetracks featuring buildings not meant for human habitation, like horse stalls or cow sheds, that had been converted for that purpose. In Portland, Oregon, 3,000 people stayed in the livestock pavilion of the Pacific International Livestock Exposition Facilities.

The Santa Anita Assembly Center, just several miles northeast of Los Angeles, was a de-facto city with 18,000 incarcerated, 8,500 of whom lived in stables. Food shortages and substandard sanitation were prevalent in these facilities.

Life in 'Assembly Centers'
Assembly Centers offered work to prisoners with the policy that they should not be paid more than an Army private. Jobs ranged from doctors to teachers to laborers and mechanics. A couple were the sites of camouflage net factories, which provided work.

Over 1,000 incarcerated Japanese Americans were sent to other states to do seasonal farm work. Over 4,000 of the incarcerated population were allowed to leave to attend college.

Conditions in 'Relocation Centers'
There were a total of 10 prison camps, called "Relocation Centers." Typically the camps included some form of barracks with communal eating areas. Several families were housed together. Residents who were labeled as dissidents were forced to a special prison camp in Tule Lake, California.

Two prison camps in Arizona were located on Native American reservations, despite the protests of tribal councils, who were overruled by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Each Relocation Center was its own "town," and included schools, post offices and work facilities, as well as farmland for growing food and keeping livestock. Each prison camp "town" was completely surrounded by barbed wire and guard towers.

Net factories offered work at several Relocation Centers. One housed a naval ship model factory. There were also factories in different Relocation Centers that manufactured items for use in other prison camps, including garments, mattresses and cabinets. Several housed agricultural processing plants.

Violence in Prison Camps
Violence occasionally occurred in the prison camps. In Lordsburg, New Mexico, prisoners were delivered by trains and forced to march two miles at night to the camp. On July 27, 1942, during a night march, two Japanese Americans, Toshio Kobata and Hirota Isomura, were shot and killed by a sentry who claimed they were attempting to escape. Japanese Americans testified later that the two elderly men were disabled and had been struggling during the march to Lordsburg. The sentry was found not guilty by the army court martial board.

On August 4, 1942, a riot broke out in the Santa Anita Assembly Center, the result of anger about insufficient rations and overcrowding. At California's Manzanar War Relocation Center, tensions resulted in the beating of Fred Tayama, a Japanese American Citizen’s League (JACL) leader, by six men. JACL members were believed to be supporters of the prison camp's administration.

Fearing a riot, police tear-gassed crowds that had gathered at the police station to demand the release of Harry Ueno. Ueno had been arrested for allegedly assaulting Tayama. James Ito was killed instantly and several others were wounded. Among those injured was Jim Kanegawa, 21, who died of complications five days later.

At the Topaz Relocation Center, 63-year-old prisoner James Hatsuki Wakasa was shot and killed by military police after walking near the perimeter fence. Two months later, a couple was shot at for strolling near the fence.

In October 1943, the Army deployed tanks and soldiers to Tule Lake Segregation Center in northern California to crack down on protests. Japanese American prisoners at Tule Lake had been striking over food shortages and unsafe conditions that had led to an accidental death in October 1943. At the same camp, on May 24, 1943, James Okamoto, a 30-year-old prisoner who drove a construction truck, was shot and killed by a guard.

Fred Korematsu
In 1942, 23-year-old Japanese-American Fred Korematsu was arrested for refusing to relocate to a Japanese prison camp. His case made it all the way to the Supreme Court, where his attorneys argued in Korematsu v. United States that Executive Order 9066 violated the Fifth Amendment.

Korematsu lost the case, but he went on to become a civil rights activist and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1998. With the creation of California’s Fred Korematsu Day, the United States saw its first U.S. holiday named for an Asian American. But it took another Supreme Court decision to halt the incarceration of Japanese Americans.

Mitsuye Endo
The prison camps ended in 1945 following the Supreme Court decision, Ex parte Mitsuye Endo. In this case, justices ruled unanimously that the War Relocation Authority “has no authority to subject citizens who are concededly loyal to its leave procedure.”

The case was brought on behalf of Mitsuye Endo, the daughter of Japanese immigrants from Sacramento, California. After filing a habeas corpus petition, the government offered to free her, but Endo refused, wanting her case to address the entire issue of Japanese incarceration.

One year later, the Supreme Court made the decision, but gave President Truman the chance to begin camp closures before the announcement. One day after Truman made his announcement, the Supreme Court revealed its decision.

The last Japanese internment camp closed in March 1946. President Gerald Ford officially repealed Executive Order 9066 in 1976, and in 1988, Congress issued a formal apology and passed the Civil Liberties Act awarding $20,000 each to over 80,000 Japanese Americans as reparations for their treatment.

When we think of Nazi evil, we think of Auschwitz: the deadliest Nazi camp and the deadliest Holocaust site. But there was more to the history of the camps and the Holocaust than Auschwitz.

The SS operated over 25 concentration camps during the Nazi dictatorship (1933–45), and over 1,100 attached satellite camps. These camps did not all operate at the same time, however. The SS system changed all the time, and so did the prisoner population, the conditions and the buildings. There was no typical concentration camp.

The history of the camps begins in 1933, seven years before Auschwitz was even set up. In the wake of the Great Depression, German democracy (the Weimar Republic) was destroyed. Its place was taken by the Nazi dictatorship, led by Adolf Hitler. Although the Nazi party had lots of popular support – it gained almost 44 per cent of the vote in the last multiparty elections in March 1933 – millions of Germans still rejected it.

The new rulers brutally attacked real and imagined opponents. Many victims were taken to early camps. In 1933, most inmates were political prisoners, above all German Communists. Many faced abuse and violence. Deaths were still rare, however, and most prisoners were released after a few weeks or months. Fear of the camps helped to break the anti-Nazi resistance. As a result, fewer opponents ended up inside, and by October 1934 only 2,400 prisoners were left in concentration camps. Some observers thought the camps would disappear completely.

But Adolf Hitler wanted to keep the camps: he saw the benefits of lawless terror, without courts and judges. And so Hitler supported the creation of a permanent concentration camp system under SS leader Heinrich Himmler. When war broke out in autumn 1939, after the German invasion of Poland, this SS system included six purpose-built camps holding 21,400 prisoners.

During the Second World War, concentration camps spread through much of Nazi-occupied Europe. Auschwitz, set up in 1940 to crush the Polish resistance, was the first of many new camps. Conditions inside camps, always poor, now became deadly. Many inmates died from illness and starvation. Many more were executed or died during horrific medical experiments.

From 1942, the camps participated in the Holocaust. Most of the Six Million More European Jews murdered or killed by the Nazis died outside concentration camps, shot or gassed on the killing fields of eastern Europe. Still, the single most lethal site of the Holocaust was a concentration camp: Auschwitz. Here, the SS killed some one million Jews; most were murdered on arrival in gas chambers.

https://rumble.com/v3tsvew-their-6000000-never-existed-started-18-years-before-hitler-assumed-power.html - So 6 Million Jews Killed By Russia In World War One And Now 6 Million More Jews Are Killed By Germany In World War Two ( P.S. So The Total Number Jews Killed Both War's WW 1 & WW 2 Is 12.2 Millions Killed In Total ) ? ?

In Auschwitz and other concentration camps, prisoner numbers grew fast during the second half of the war. Those regarded as fit for work by the SS (Jews and non-Jews alike) were used as slave labourers. Prisoners toiled for many hours each day, building roads, digging tunnels, breaking rocks, and more. Inmate numbers reached over 700,000 in early 1945. By then, the SS held most prisoners in satellite camps, which had sprung up near factories and building sites.

The end came in the first months of 1945, when Allied troops conquered what was left of the Third Reich. But liberation came too late for many concentration camp inmates. Between January and May 1945 (when Germany capitulated), an estimated 300,000 prisoners died. Victims of disease, starvation and execution, they died inside the hellish compounds and on death marches away from abandoned camps.

Overall, some 2.3 million men, women and children were taken to concentration camps between 1933 and 1945. Their fate was shaped by many factors, such as age, gender and nationality. There were many different prisoner groups, including Jews, political prisoners (from Germany and abroad), homosexuals, criminals, Gypsies, Soviet POWs and Jehovah’s Witnesses. They all experienced the camps differently. Inmate relations were often tense, but there was also much comradeship and resistance.

The SS ruled the concentration camps with an iron fist. It enforced brutal rules and rigid schedules. But just as there was no typical camp and no typical prisoner, there was no typical perpetrator either. By no means all men and women in the Camp SS were depraved murderers. But most of them quickly got used to the abuse of prisoners and upheld SS terror to the end.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Joseph Mendelsohn
Liberation was no happy end. Most prisoners had died before the Allies arrived. And the camps left a bitter legacy for survivors. They suffered from injuries and haunting memories, while most perpetrators got away unpunished. Meanwhile, ordinary Germans often pleaded ignorance. They did not know about the SS crimes, they said. This was one of many lies about the camps. After all, the camps had been public knowledge during the Third Reich. To combat such lies, and to learn lessons from the camps, we need to understand their complex history.

China has built nearly 400 internment camps in Xinjiang region, with construction on dozens continuing over the last two years, even as Chinese authorities said their “re-education” system was winding down, an Australian thinktank has found.

The network of camps in China’s far west, used to detain Uighurs and people from other Muslim minorities, include 14 that are still under construction, according to the latest satellite imaging obtained by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

In total ASPI identified 380 detention centers established across the region since 2017, ranging from lowest security re-education camps to fortified prisons.

That is over 100 more than previous investigations have uncovered, and the researchers believe they have now identified most of the detention centers in the region. “The evidence in this database shows that despite Chinese officials’ claims about detainees graduating from the camps, significant investment in the construction of new detention facilities has continued throughout 2019 and 2020,” said ASPI researcher Nathan Ruser.

The information has been made public, including the coordinates for individual camps, in a database that can be accessed online, the Xinjiang Data Project.

The camps were identified using survivor accounts, other projects tracking internment centers, and satellite images.

ASPI said nighttime images were particularly useful, as they looked for areas that were newly illuminated outside towns; often these were the sites of freshly built detention centers, with daytime images giving a clear picture of construction.

Many are also near industrial parks; there have been widespread reports that inmates at some internment camps have been used as forced labor.

“Camps are also often co-located with factory complexes, which can suggest the nature of a facility and highlight the direct pipeline between arbitrary detention in Xinjiang and forced labor,” the report said. Beijing insists there are no human rights abuses in Xinjiang. Chinese authorities initially denied the existence of internment camps, then later described them as vocational training and re-education programmed that aim to alleviate poverty and counter terrorism threats.

Last year a senior official claimed that most people held in camps had “returned to society”. However, China has not allowed journalists, human rights groups or diplomats independent access to the camps, and visitors to the region face heavy surveillance.

Most information about the camps, and a wider government campaign against Muslim minorities in the region, has come from survivors who have fled abroad, leaked Chinese government documents, and satellite images that have confirmed the location and existence of camps.

People have been targeted for “offences” as trivial as owning a Qur’an, or abstaining from eating pork. Reported abuses include detailed arbitrary detentions, torture and medical neglect in the detention camps and coercive birth control.

Uighur families have been forced to have Han Chinese officials living in their homes as “relatives”, part of a comprehensive surveillance system, that also sees people monitored online, and through a wide network of CCTV cameras in public places.

The ASPI project captures the vast scale of both individual detention camps, and the entire network of internment facilities, mostly thrown up in the last half decade. A map created from the ASPI database shows an arc of camps across the populated parts of the region, though the thinktank noted that the rate of growth in detention facilities was slowing.

The largest camp documented in the region, Dabancheng, sits just outside the regional capital of Urumqi. New construction there over the course of 2019 stretched for more than a kilometer – and in total it now has nearly 100 buildings.

A new detention center in the much smaller historic Silk Road city of Kashgar, opened as recently as January this year, has 13 five-story residential buildings spread over 25 hectares (60 acres), surrounded by a 14-metre-high wall and watch-towers, the report said.

ASPI has divided the camps into four different categories, reflecting levels of fortification and controls on inmates.

About half of the 60 facilities which have recently been expanded are higher security, suggesting a shift in the nature of the central government campaign against minorities in Xinjiang.

The report has also found about 70 camps that appear to have had security controls reduced, with internal fences and perimeter walls taken down. Eight may have been decommissioned entirely. These were mostly lower security facilities, the report said.

The apparent shift in focus to higher security detention centers fits with reports and survivor testimony that “a significant number of detainees that have not shown satisfactory progress in political indoctrination camps have been transferred to higher security facilities, which expanded to accommodate them”, the report said.

Sex slave trafficking is a crime where women, men, and children are forcefully involved in commercial sex acts. In the United States, any minor under 18 engaged in commercial sex acts is automatically considered a victim of sex trafficking under the law. Worldwide, it's estimated that there are 4.5 million victims of sex trafficking. Sex trafficking is a form of modern slavery because of the way victims are forced into sexual acts non-consensually, in a form of sexual slavery. Perpetrators of the crime are called sex traffickers or pimps, who manipulate victims to engage in various forms of commercial sex with paying customers. Child prostitution, or child sex trafficking, is a form of sexual slavery where a child performs the services of prostitution, usually for the financial benefit of an adult. The United Nations estimates that an estimated 2.4 million people around the globe are victims of human trafficking at any one time, 80% of whom are being exploited as sexual slaves.

Sex trafficking is a crime when women, men and/or children are forcefully involved in commercial sex acts. In the United States, any minor under the age of 18 engaged in commercial sex acts is automatically considered a victim of sex trafficking under the law. Worldwide, it's estimated that there are 9.6 million victims of sex trafficking.

Worldwide, false promises are ways in which traffickers bait and enslave their victims – both adults and minors. Indigenous populations and those who live in abject poverty are typically economically and politically marginalized; thus, most lack rights and access to basic services such as education which make them particularly vulnerable to sex trafficking.

Many times, people from these communities are offered false employment opportunities in major cities. For example, men and boys are sent overseas to work in construction and agriculture but are also forced to perform commercial sex acts. Women and young girls may be offered jobs as models, nannies, waitresses or dancers. Some traffickers operate under the guise of agencies that offer cross-country dating services. However, upon arrival, these individuals are abused, threatened and sold in the sex industry.

Often, traffickers keep victims under their control by saying that they’ll be free after they pay their debt. The “debt” is supposedly incurred from the victims’ recruitment, transportation, upkeep or even their crude “sale.” Thus, sex trafficking may occur within debt bondage/bonded labor. Victims of sex trafficking may eventually perform other functions, in addition to being forced sex workers. Some traffickers use sex trafficking victims to recruit or transport other victims.

As a result, when sex trafficking victims are caught, they might be detained and prosecuted for criminal activity (e.g., prostitution). However, a legal charge is only one area of concern. Sex trafficking has devastating consequences for the trafficked individual. Victims may suffer from long-lasting physical and psychological trauma, disease (HIV/AIDS), drug addiction, malnutrition and social ostracism.

International Definition
Forced labor includes forced sexual services. The ILO’s Forced Labor Convention defines forced labor as all work or service exacted from a person under the threat of a penalty and for which the person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily. The UN’s Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (the Palermo Protocol) includes three elements in its definition: the act, the means and the object. Sex trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons who under threat, force, coercion, fraud, deception or abuse of power are sexually exploited for the financial gain of another.

United States' Definition
Similarly, in the United States, sex trafficking involves three elements: the process, the means and the goal. The U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act defines sex trafficking as the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of an individual who under force, fraud or coercion is induced to perform a commercial sex act. Note that sex trafficking does not have to have some form of travel, transportation or movement across borders. At the core, sex trafficking is characterized by sexual exploitation through force, fraud or coercion. For children (anyone under 18 years old), consent is irrelevant, and the element of means (e.g., force) is not necessary (22 USC §7102).

Sex trafficking in the United States
The United States is a source, transit and destination country for sex trafficking victims. Trafficked men, women and children are typically taken to brothels, escort services, massage parlors, strip clubs or hotels and are prostituted on the streets or forced to participate in pornography. Primary countries of origin for foreign victims in FY 2013 were Mexico, the Philippines, Thailand, Honduras, Guatemala, India and El Salvador. Americans may also be trafficked within the U.S. or sent to other industrialized states such as the Netherlands, Germany and Japan.

Trafficking and the Internet
Supply and demand have increased through the years partially due to the internet and the ease with which traffickers and customers can discreetly complete a transaction. Traffickers utilize social media, dating sites and online advertisements to market minors and trafficked victims. Ads seemingly posted by a person willingly engaged in the sex trade are often created or monitored by traffickers. Traffickers lie about the victim’s age and may even disguise themselves as the person in the ad when communicating with johns via the internet or phone. Some websites try to screen ads for trafficking; however, the sheer volume of ads makes this process a daunting task. For instance, when the U.S. Craigslist Adult Services Section was available, there were 10,000-16,000 adult services postings per day in the U.S. alone. Additionally, it’s difficult to determine if the person advertising is independently working in the sex industry or is under a trafficker.

Perhaps to one of the 800 secret death camps FEMA has scattered throughout the territory of the United States. Some, like the one located just outside Fairbanks, Alaska are large enough to house up to 2 million people. But Alaska has less than 800.000 residents. So, who do they plan on taking there?

In America alone there are over 188 Deep Underground Military Bases situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers. There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada. FEMA Death Camps Underground War And Walmart, NWO, Secret Tunnels Etc.

A catastrophic event has just hit America. Through an executive order, your rights as a United States citizen have been suspended indefinitely. FEMA’s in charge and now they’re at your door!


“Sir, I’m an agent with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. For your safety, we’re here to relocate you and your family. All firearms will have to be handed over and any food you may have stockpiled on your property will be allocated for redistribution.”

What Does FEMA Have in Store For You and Your Family? Where Will They ‘Relocate’ You When SHTF?
Enacted in 1979 by President Carter, the Federal Emergency Management Agency was designed to coordinate a nationwide response to a crisis and ensure the continuance of the Federal Government.

The United States would be divided into ten separate regions, each implementing a distinct emergency measure for its citizens according to ‘threat level’, geography and population density. Although this sounds benign in nature – even necessary in a time of crisis – the real truth is much more sinister.

From its very beginning, the majority of FEMA’s funding and a third of its workforce was hidden in the Federal Government’s black budget program. In fact, much about the agency’s early infrastructure was known to only a handful of elected members of Congress. That’s a lot of money and manpower going unaccounted for decades. What was it used for?

In a stunning act of bravery, Miami Herald journalist Alfonso Chardy exposed a top-secret scenario called Rex 84. He detailed how the Federal Government initiated a simulation/drill where large numbers of American citizens deemed “national security threats” would be relocated and detained in a state of national emergency. It also authorized the military to direct the movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels.

But move them where exactly?

Perhaps to one of the 800 secret death camps FEMA has scattered throughout the territory of the United States. Some, like the one located just outside Fairbanks, Alaska are large enough to house up to 2 million people. But Alaska has less than 800.000 residents.

These facilities are fully functional and ready to accept detainees at a minute’s notice; and yet, they remain eerily empty as if they’re waiting for something. That something is an SHTF event and that someone is probably you, and millions like you.

So, According to FEMA, Who Is Considered a “National Security Threat”?
As of 2003, not long after the attacks that shook the nation on that dreadful day in September, FEMA was absorbed under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security.

By now we’re all fully aware of the Federal Government’s pivot towards labeling responsible gun-owning patriots, not unlike yourself probably, as “domestic terrorists”. Why is this important you may ask yourself? Well, it just so happens that in two recent studies funded by the DHS, Christians are listed as “perpetrators of domestic terrorism”.

You heard it right folks! The Feds earmarked approximately $16 million in funding toward a program conducted by the University of Maryland in order to identify and monitor potential “domestic terrorist” threats while giving lawmakers special powers in developing “prevention efforts”.

This is not without precedent; Between 1942 and 1946, over 125,000 Japanese/Americans were held against their will in as many as 75 designated internment camps. The architect of the program, Colonel Karl Bendetsen, went so far as to say that anyone with “one drop of Japanese blood” was to be apprehended and held indefinitely in the custody of the Federal Government.

You see – it doesn’t take much for them to turn on their own citizens, many of whom were combat patriots having served in WW1 and in the European front.

What Other Factors Will Determine Your FEMA Internment?
So now that you know the Feds may consider you a high-level “threat” for taking all the appropriate precautions like protecting your family and preparing for the next crisis, we can presume that when SHTF, you would be one of the first to be singled out.

In addition, we know that preppers will be targeted for their stockpiles of food and ammunition.

Why You Should Never Hide Your Stockpile In Your Basement
Don’t assume for one second that FEMA will provide for you and yours once you are detained. FEMA’s so-called Crisis Relocation Plan would see to it that 65 percent of the US population would be “evacuated” and placed under FEMA’s custody in as little as three days.

It’s compelling that the larger facilities, like the one in Alaska, seem to be located in largely rural and inaccessible areas – this would suggest a massive-scale effort to round up, detain and finally move folks to their final internment destinations.

This would necessitate the demand for an effective tracking system that would give the Feds the operational capability to complete their sinister Crisis Relocation Plan when SHTF.

The main idea to take away from this – just because you may live in a larger city, far from anything that might resemble a fenced enclosure like the camps you see on the internet, it certainly doesn’t mean that the Federal Govt. is incapable of transporting you to one.

Conversely, you may be mistaken in thinking that your remote location and off-the-grid lifestyle will guarantee that you’re not being tracked right now, or that a FEMA death camp isn’t hidden nearby waiting for you.

The majority of these camps are located on federal land and are inaccessible to civilians and the media. Ideally, they would be positioned with a railroad system nearby or enough clear terrain to be able to construct a makeshift runway.

Some of these facilities like the one located in Millard County, Utah and the one in Lewisburg, West Virginia make use of pre-existing infrastructure. These camps were originally conceived to house German POWs and Japanese-American citizens during WW2.

Even offshore American military bases and black sites, like the infamous Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba, can be repurposed as FEMA detention centers. Without a doubt, many of these camps are either hidden from sight or disguised as civilian structures.

In one mysterious case, while rabbit hunting in southwestern Utah, a father and his son accidentally stumbled upon the Skull Valley site. This particular location was built into a deserted US Govt. bombing range.

FEMA has done its best to keep this massive camp building program as hush-hush as possible and for its enormous scale, they’ve actually done a pretty good job; aside from the occasional, but quickly suppressed leak.

But don’t for one-second think that just because you don’t hear about this in the mainstream media, FEMA’s death camps aren’t there waiting for that day when they will be activated, detaining unsuspecting millions.

Whether these death camps exist or not is not really the question.

They clearly do.

The real question is what you and your family can do to not end up in one.

Once a large-scale disaster is underway, things will move at breakneck speed. As martial law becomes the “law of the land”, FEMA alongside the US military will quickly move to round up all the “undesirables”.

Remember Bill, the prepper from the third episode of HBO’s hit TV show: The Last of Us? When FEDRA (a fictional government agency similar to FEMA) evacuates everyone from Bill’s town only to massacre them shortly after. He hunkered down/bugged-in in his fully-equipped root-cellar, managing to thrive through the zombie-filled apocalypse.

So, if you can avoid FEMA for the first few days you might have a chance. Simply ignoring the knock on your front door will not be enough. They’ll just kick it in and drag you and your family out.

What you need is a safe space, completely hidden from sight. One that no FEMA agent or drone equipped with infrared sensors can detect.

I’m talking about a secret root-cellar, buried a few feet down in your own backyard. There you’ll be able to take shelter with all the supplies you need to survive, not just for a few days…but for a few months should it come to that.

The design I’m about to share with you is based on our great-grandparent’s root-cellars, but it has been so much improved that now it’s closer to a military bunker – a bunker anyone can afford. It costs under $400 to build in less than a week, working on your own.

I have one… feet away from my house, ready to jump inside once riots break out and martial law is declared. If you want to stay out of a FEMA death camp come SHTF you probably need one too.

What Exactly Is FEMA Going to do With 2500 Gallons of Hydrogen Cyanide and “Smart” Guillotines Placed In Internment Camps?
A Lethal Injection?

Already been mention of “swarms of earthquake activity,” and continuing to ship in as many refugees as possible KNOWING how many are already infected with tuberculosis and Covid-19, certain could be considered an “ENGINEERED” pandemic.

This Is What Your Government Doesn’t Want You To See. This is how more than 1250 people have been executed in the USA since 1977.

In America 31 states retain the death penalty and Arkansas is one of them. In 2017 the state executed four men ahead of the expiry of a batch of lethal injection drugs. Now, with another batch due to expire, inmates on death row fear another‘mass execution’.

The lethal injection is made up of three different chemicals, and this animation explains how they combine to deliver a fatal dose. But are critics right? Does this type of lethal injection mean convicts could have a slow and painful death?

Read The Full Article HERE: https://amg-news.com/what-exactly-is-fema-going-to-do-with-2500-gallons-of-hydrogen-cyanide-and-smart-guillotines-placed-in-internment-camps/

Also: Brace Yourselves… A Storm is Coming! You Just Have to Know Where to Look! - https://amg-news.com/brace-yourselves-a-storm-is-coming/

Nazi-Japanese-U.S.A. Concentration Camps Discipline, Punish, Exploit And Murder


Nazi Germany was a land of camps. The Nazis set up many different types of camps: camps to discipline, punish, exploit and murder. Concentration camps stood at the center. They helped to establish Nazi rule, led the brutal assault on outsiders and opponents, and engaged in the murderous war against Jews. More than 6 to 7 million men, women and children died in concentration camps between 1933 and 1945. This page lists the main camp complexes under the SS Inspectorate of Concentration Camps and the WVHA-D (with the exception of the special camp Hinzert and the training camp Debica). Other Nazi camps, including death camps like Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec and Chelmno, are not included. Please note that prisoner and mortality figures are often rough estimates. Also, as many prisoners went through several camps, they were often counted more than once.

What is Martial law in the US ? Habeas corpus ? Insurrection Act of 1807 ? NWO ?


Martial Law, Gun Confiscation and FEMA Death Camps Coming Soon ? As of Jan 4, 2023, the Insurrection Act of 1807 still applies in limiting a US President's ability under Title 10 to federalize National Guard troops for martial law purposes
The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the President of the United States to deploy US military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, and rebellion. Martial law in the United States refers to times in United States history in which in a region, state, city, or the whole United States was placed under the control of a military body.

Federal Emergency Management Agency Death Camp's Purchase 30,000 Guillotines


Executive Orders associated with FEMADC that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Why Did the U.S. Government Recently Purchase 30,000 Guillotines? The use of guillotines for “governmental purposes” was lobbied for and passed in the U.S. Congress The information we received is that 15,000 are currently stored in Georgia and 15,000 in Montana Are the beheadings by Muslim's and Others today meant to desensitize us against U.S. Government beheadings in the future?

Rex 84 FEMADC’s Blueprint for Martial Law in America and A Police State America


F.E.M.A.D.C. (Federal Emergency Management Agency Death Camp's) is a cover for a secret "continuity of government" plan in case the American people ever rebelled, that was exposed publicly by Congressman Jack Brooks. It is designed to give all control of government and states over to the president and FEMADC, suspend the constitution. Readiness Exercise 1984 (Rex 84) was an armed forces exercise conducted on behalf of the United States federal government to test our military's ability to detain large numbers of American citizens in case of civil unrest or national emergency. The military exercise anticipated civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes that would affect continuity of government.

United States Military and American Genocide A Brutal and Savage Massacre History


As a teen, I talked to my American great great grandfather as he shared good history and bad horrifying stories of 2 great wars and other small war and old massacre of his family and friends and other with story of genocide etc.

Ten of Thousand's Killed by U.S.A. Government + I Want Your Gun's - Killed Million+


crazy conspiracy theories that actually turned out to be true and ten of thousand's killed by u.s.a. government These theories became proven fact, from a government brainwashing program, an anti-John Lennon plot to a plan to remove homosexuals from service. 15 Conspiracies That Turned Out to Be True!

U.S. Government Run Human and Sex Trafficking & Enslavement of All Women & Races


Governments lie; this comes as a surprise to nobody. But governments can’t lie, nor can they tell the truth. Governments don’t speak at all. People speak. And depending on their role in government, and their purpose, and their audience, the terrain of the lies they tell is vast. It ranges from a manager in a state agency writing malicious lies about a former employee in a job reference, to a diplomat dissembling to another government, to the years of lies about “progress” in the Vietnam War coming from the upper reaches of the defense establishment and documented in the Pentagon Papers.

Truth about Agenda U.N. 21 and Plan to Control and Enslave the New World Order


Brief outline of the New World Order Plan UN Agenda 21
9/11 Implement security state worldwide
Covid 19/21 Force/Coerce people to take vaccines that are not required, not effective and often dangerous and implement biosecurity state

Introduce Social distancing/masks: remove social contact, make people fearful, keep them from talking to each other, inhibit normal child development

Psychological warfare - Government Behavioral Sciences Unit - NUDGE

Virus vaccine batches (1,2,3) with different ingredients to get rid of weak, non-useful herd members, benign doses (1) for those we need to keep or are part of the control system. Also allows for deniability. (2 or 3 for the rest of us)

Willingness to be PCR tested, used as a litmus test for compliance.

Covid 19/21 Vaccine Passports: Will allow/prevent buying/selling, travel, etc.…

Digital money: Global monetary system, tied to Covid 19/21 passports for “connivance”. Control what you spend

Environmental Lockdowns: “To keep the carbon footprint down”.

Food Shortages: To switch your diet to process foods, bugs and vegan, and away from real food and meat.

Cyber crime, Internet outages, Power failures: A good reason to inject microchip "Passports" into hand/forehead. Permanently tracked via Bluetooth / Wi-Fi

That is how it is going to go down, the timeline might be a bit off. You will have one world faith, which is what the ecumenical movement is about. One world government, and all under control of the New World Order by July 4th 2026 on this the day of America’s up coming 250nd year of independence, unveiled a new updated flag which better reflects the nation in its present form, signaling the aspirations it has for its ever bright future.

I taught history and I never knew half of our nation’s past until I began to re-educate myself by learning from original source materials, rather than modern textbooks written by progressive New World Order with an agenda.

Interestingly, Democrats and other party have long ago erased these historic figures from our textbooks, only to offer deceitful propaganda and economic enticements in an effort to convince people, especially black Americans, that it’s the Democrats woman of house wearing all white at state of the new world order speech rather than Republicans with red shoe lace who are the true saviors of the new world order and other civil liberties. Luckily, we can still venture back into America’s real historical record to find that facts are stubborn things. Let’s take a closer look at the past and hope for a better tomorrow 2026.

These Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theory in the World That Turned Out To Be True


These Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True - 1. The CIA has a special gun that shoots dissolvable darts that leave no trace and cause people to get a heart attack. It was dismissed as a conspiracy theory before the gun actually turned out to be true during a trial where it was demonstrated by CIA operatives.

Top Secret Government Conspiracy Revealed Government Secrets & Cover Ups Revealed


Area 51, Watergate, MK Ultra - as different as these three topics may seem, they’re all part of a series of massive government cover-ups. In the world of government conspiracies, something doesn’t have to be completely outlandish to get covered up. It just has to be kind of illegal, or at least make someone in the government look bad. For instance, whether the bomb lost near Tybee Island was an armed or unarmed nuke depends on who you ask, and who you believe.

Orwellian Dystopia Both Side's Are Wrong Answer To Extremism Isn’t More Extremism


America’s left and right are radicalizing each other, and the precedents from overseas are deeply unsettling. It’s all politics. And it still is, for those who really listen close. It’s why we need to flip the script and tell the real story of what happened in 1948 and 1964. I also believe America needs to echo, once again, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream and “look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” That’s what made America great…and will make America great again. It’s known as “The Big Switch.” That’s when Southern Democrat politicians converted to Republicanism and refashioned the G.O.P. into a racist political party. Orwell's "1984" has been quoted left and right, for years, but the reality that we currently live in has never resembled the dystopia that the author describes in his best-known novel as much as it does today. We are voluntarily giving up our privacy. We are forced to use it as a currency. That has never been the case before, but today it is.

New World Order Plan To Control Secret Evidence Revealed Death UN 21 Agenda U.S.A.


Speaker Pelosi's said her laptop had over 18,000+ documents and over 368,000+ pages of emails that were uploaded to who? or hacked by who? before shy got back to her office during the Jan. 6 insurrection. Riley June Williams, 22 was found guilty of six federal counts in November of 2022. Democrats woman of house wearing all white at state of the new world order speech rather than Republicans with red shoe lace who are the true saviors of the new world order and other civil liberties.

New World Order Says That All 50 State Will Not Comply Dishonest U.S. Administration


Will Not Comply Dishonest U.S. Administration We’re told by government and media talking heads that we’re in a war with the Covid-19 virus. The threat from said virus is supposedly so potent that famine, poverty, suicide and utter dependence on government is preferable to contracting the illness. We’re told to huddle in our homes and social distance ourselves from other humans at least six feet. Now we’re told it’s advisable to wear a mask when one is shopping for necessities like food and medicine.

We The Sheeple People of The United States of America and A Real Bill of State Rights


The Second Amendment Is Not Gun Control: Second Amendment Doesn’t Give Americans The “Right to bear Arms” It Prohibits the Government from ‘Disarming The People’. The Second Amendment doesn’t give Americans the “Right to bear Arms.” The 2nd Amendment” is supposed to “Prohibit the Government” from taking our Arms and ‘Disarming The People’.
It’s a protection from a possible Tyrannical Government!
There are two versions of the text of the Second Amendment, each with slight capitalization and punctuation differences, found in the official documents surrounding the adoption of the Bill of Rights. One version was passed by the Congress, while another is found in the copies distributed to the States and then ratified by them.

We The People Of The New World Order Year Zero Thank You Let's Stop All Wars Now


Let's Stop All Wars Now in chronologically ordered by the year that hostilities were initiated The Final Speech from The Great Dictator was Chaplin’s first film with dialogue. Chaplin plays both a little Jewish barber, living in the ghetto, and Hynkel, the dictator ruler of Tomainia. In his autobiography Chaplin quotes himself as having said: “One doesn’t have to be a Jew to be anti Nazi. All one has to be is a normal decent human being.”

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