END TIMES #1: The 5 Main End Times Views

1 year ago

In this first installment of a comprehensive End Times series, we begin with an overview of the 5 main eschatological (End Times) views in Christianity. I will outline their major beliefs, as well as the major problems with each view. Our goal in this series will be to come to a biblically-based view more than identifying as one mainstream view or another. I hope you enjoy.

End Times Series:

00:00 - Introduction
16:05 - How Do We Know We're in the End Times?
27:08 - Main Points of Division
43:48 - #1: Historic Pre-Millennialism
51:53 - #2: Dispensationalism
1:04:39 - #3: Preterism
1:13:20 - #4: Post-Millennialism
1:20:40 - #5: Amillennialism
1:29:38 - Final Thoughts

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