Learn HTML | List, Comment and More Text in HTML | Day - 3 | 100 days of web development 🌏

1 year ago

An HTML description for YouTube can be a powerful tool to improve your video's visibility and engagement. By utilizing HTML elements, you can format your text, add lists, and even embed comments to create a more dynamic and informative description.
Here's a breakdown of how to use different HTML elements in your YouTube video

Use the dl, dt, and dd tags to create a definition list.
The dl tag represents the description list itself.
Each dt tag defines a term within the list.
Each dd tag provides the definition of the corresponding term.

Use the `` tag to create a comment within your description.
Comments are hidden from viewers but can be helpful for organizing your code or noting specific details.

More Text:
Use basic HTML formatting tags like <b>, <i>, and <br> to bold, italicize, and break lines of text.
You can also use the p tag to create separate paragraphs.

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