Bethlehem University Prof MAZIN QUMSIYEH Then Rashid Khalidi video on PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE

1 year ago

Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial complex podcast on NOW on Revolution.Radio Studio B who has been showing the parallels btwn the Dysfunctional, Abusive Family/community I've researched, lived, was criminalized for speaking about since the early 70s WITH the Macro Abuses, Genocide, Corruption and lack of Accountability we have now.
Essentially showing how the habits of Americans Allowed what we now have.
First an interview wit Mazin Qumsiyeh of BETHLEHEM UNIVERSITY on the GENOCIDE of the Palestinians over 7 decades
*2400 lobbyists now attending the COP28 in Abu Dhabi

"Fox Guarding the Henhouse": UAE to use COP28 climate summit to lobby for
oil and gas deals
this oil leader chosen to head COP28 has said that we cannot blame fossil
fuels producers for climate change!)

An Open Letter from the Climate Movement: We Stand in Solidarity with
Palestinians in Their Struggle for Liberation

Question to Israel (and its supporters in the West): What have you
accomplished in two months other than slaughter of civilians (including
7000 children and 4000 women) and turning hundreds of millions of people
around the world irreversably to hate Zionism and Israel and what you stood
for in the past 75 years (apartheid and ethnic cleansing)?
Question to the global community: In the 21st century, are you going to let
an apartheid state use denial of food, water, medicine, fuel, plus ethnic
cleansing, and relentless bombing of 2.3 million people as a method to make
the natives yield to colonial demands? n other words is genocide a
legitimate tool of war on people in teh 21st century?

Reminder 1: Israeli government and its stooges lied about everything so far
since 7 October (but also long before and lies were exposed repeatedly; See #9)
Reminder 2: Zionist lobby in Washington determines US policy. Even when US
administration is told they can say something different for PR purposes
than what Israel says (e.g. aIsrael can say they Target civilians and the
US can say they "don't have any hard evidence that Israel targets
civilians". Be sure statements are coordinated. I updated the lobby paper
with new references on intelligence cooperation
Reminder 3: All previous organizations fighting against
occupiers/colonizers were called terrorist organizations: The IRA in
Northern Ireland, ANC & PAC in Apartheid South Africa, native americans
fighting European colonizer, FARC in Colu
THEN a Rashid Khalidi video with Chris Hedges on the 100 year attack of Palestinians simce the Balfour Declaration by the BRITISH in 1917.

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