Nature of the spirits: A modern scientific snapshot of Islamic beliefs, Part 1 Angels

1 year ago

This is Part 1 of a three part series, going over the nature of different entities recognized in Islam. Angels, Jinn, and Mankind. The theories made here use modern science to explain the properties of Angels described in Islamic literature.

In classical physics, the vacuum is thought of as the absence of matter, light, and energy.
In quantum physics, the vacuum is not so empty, but filled with photons that fluctuate in and out of existence.
However, such light is virtually impossible to measure. -,is%20virtually%20impossible%20to%20measure.

scientific study done in 2021, "The evidence provided herein showing that gravity is an electromagnetic force
and not a unique force of its own provides a significant contribution toward reconciling the long sought
link between gravity and electricity" -'s%20law%20yields%20the%20same,unique%20force%20of%20its%20own.

Light carries momentum that can push on an object, but it can also move an object through thermal forces. -,along%20a%20tapered%20optical%20fiber.

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