MOUNJARO vlog | Time to up my dose? Week 5 results.

9 months ago

Week 5 Journal.

2 December 2023, Saturday.
Blood Sugar – 149
1pm – BM.
5:30pm – Dinner. Tortilla soup.
8pm – Handful of peanuts.

3 December 2023, Sunday
Blood sugar – 132
5pm – Dinner. Fish and Chips.
7pm – Handful of Cashews.

4 December 2023, Monday
Blood sugar – 138
9:30am – BM. Small. Loose.
5:30pm – Dinner. Pot Pie.

5 December 2023, Tuesday
Blood sugar – 140
10am – BM. Loose.
2pm Lunch. 6” sub. Cold cuts.
6pm – Dinner. 2 hot dogs (no buns) and chili.

6 December 2023, Wednesday
Blood sugar – 117
11:30am – Breakfast. 2 scrambled eggs. Slice of ham steak.
2pm – BM.
5:30pm – Dinner. Shrimp, sausage, potato, corn on the cob boil.
7pm – Bag of popcorn. I’ll regret it. Last time woke in middle of the night with stomach pains.

7 December 2023, Thursday
Blood sugar – 132
7am – I was right about the popcorn I ate last night. Again, woke up in the middle of the night with stomach pains and feeling like I overate. No more popcorn at night for me.
5pm – Dinner. 8 oz steak. Shrimp and sausage.
8pm – Handful of peanuts.

8 Dec 2023, Friday - End of Week 5 and start of week 6 on Monjarao 2.5mg
Week 5 update:
Blood sugar high: 149 (Saturday)
Blood sugar low: 117 (Wednesday)
Blood sugar average this week (week 4): 134.6
Blood sugar average last week (week 3): 121.1
Up 13.5 (how disappointing)
Starting blood sugar: 474

Weight this week (Week 3): 180.2 lbs
Weight last week (Week 2): 180.6 lbs
Starting weight (Week 1) 185 lbs
Gain/loss this week: 0.4 lbs

Sleep – Not as great as last week. Had a few nights where I woke up in the middle of the night.

Mood – Still have a much better disposition and outlook on life. I have been concerned about my higher sugar level averages this week. It’s true, I have been snacking on nuts and popcorn more this week. It’s probably my fault. Or, it’s time to increase the dose. Will call the doctor this week and discuss.

BMs still inconsistent. Maybe it’s my diet? I’ll have to have a closer look at that. I’ll be constipated for a few days….then have loose stools for a day or two. Probably due to the Miralax I’m taking to loosen the stools. Still learning my new reality.
No headaches or queasiness this week.

I’ve eaten more this week than the last few weeks. Not much more. A few nights where I was feeling snackish so had a bag of popcorn or a handful or two of peanuts or cashews. Still easily avoiding the sugar stuff. Still have had no interest in drinking diet soda. So weird.

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