Degradation Nation

10 months ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection]
What we choose to ‘turn a blind eye to’ or ‘put off to another day’ or ‘let someone else lobby about’, can be a reflection of our core values. Sometimes it may be worthwhile to check if we are living our own dreams or tolerating those being socially imposed?!

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Poem wording

Degradation Nation

Seen the ‘values’ of your loved ones shifting?
A sight to behold, when they are seen to be lifting.
Yet a sorry tale, when they appear to be lowering or drifting.

So much information to be sorting and sifting.
The tendency to ‘be seen ‘ to ‘go with the flow’,
is a demise that we need see, and assess to self know.

Who / how does it serve?
Does it lead us to ease or a mess –
either our empowerment or our distress?
Should we revise, look again and re- assess?

Re calibrate our energy,
And it’s integrity….
[away from ‘D’ evil Eye]
What ‘sounds good’ may be a
setup to deceive the majority.

Don’t be afraid to
look behind the guise,
Look deeper, see the disguise.

Protect ourselves and each other
from the degradation of our ‘core’,
and the core of our nation.
No, you can no longer degrade us
or our beautiful nation.

15th September 2023.
Transitional Times Poem Collection.

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