Deciphering Revelation - Repeat and Enlarge

1 year ago

In a similar concept of "repeat and enlarge", this excerpt of last week's extensive teaching on the concept of prophecy, from the beginning and through to the end, this video is both an excerpt and an enlargement (containing information that was cut from the longer version), of the many layers found in the book of Revelation.

Tom Stapleton lays out seven layers in Revelation that deal with all or parts of the events that occur with the Second Coming, and five layers in the last three books of Revelation that deal with the millennium and events that transpire at the end of the millennium.

Without understanding how these prophecies are given in an overlaying fashion, it will be impossible to place all of the events in their proper sequence.

The longer version, linked below, shows this pattern starting in Genesis chapter one. This excerpt contains only the layers of Revelation.

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