Vintage Video ~ KFI AM640's John & Ken Show - Fry the Menendi Yard Sale ~ May 1994

1 year ago

A blast to the past. I was recently digitizing some old 8mm camcorder tapes from back in the 1990's and found this old video. I apologize for the modest quality of the video of the era but it is what it is.

What this was is John and Ken from KFI AM 640 decided to broadcast their live radio show from the Insight Shooting Range in Artesia California. I am a long time talk radio guy. I believe that John and Ken had come from New Jersey not too long before and fairly new to the KFI afternoon lineup. My friend Jack Solomon owned the place and offered his establishment to host the event. Back then, the Erik & Lyle Menendez trial was in the news, the event was to be a yard sale in the parking lot of Insight the next day. The proceeds from the yard sale was supposed to go the prosecution of the Menendez brothers who viciously had murdered their parents and the trail was a circus in the media. This was the Fry The Mendendi Yard Sale.

We drove down to check things out. It was fun and there was a cool crowd there. I was there with my friend Michael and not long after we showed up, John Kobylt was checking out the crowd and he walked towards me. I was in mid 20's, lots of tattoos and John walked up to me with his mic. He thought that I looked scary. LOL We had a few minutes on the radio and some of buddies were listening to KFI at the time and they were sure that it was me that John was interviewing on the air, so they drove down too. The Date was May 13 1994. The bummer that Michael was manning the Sony HandiCam 8mm camera but was not recording at the time of my brief radio debut. The last part of this video is my playing of the re-broadcast of the hour of radio which I recorded on my audio cassette recorder.

John and Ken are not gun guys. The gun control arguments were exactly the same even back then. Jack invited John and Ken to shoot a gun live on the air after some firearms safety instruction and his close supervision. That part of the video is hilarious! Only John Kobylt opted to shoot the revolver 6 rounds. That was it for him. Ken Chiampou didn't shoot. What was funny is how they ducked behind the lane dividers, not sure what to expect when John finally pulled the trigger and sent a round downrange. There was at least one strike of the metal target clamp which made the target dance around which was followed by chuckles from my entourage. There is a little bit of us squeezing off a few rounds that day.

I had my Smith & Wesson 9mm in my truck and asked Jack could rent a lane nearby the radio broadcast. He said OK. We did a little traget shooting. We were the ones shooting nearby and John and Ken and crew were flinching at the loud gunfire in the neighboring lane. John even asked "what kind of security do you have at this place?" which made us laugh too. Jack and us fellow 2A enthusiasts were the security which was plenty. If was a fun day.

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