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1 year ago

Best Of HILL And PONTON - Veterans Disability Claims Attorney Firm In USA 🇺🇸


1.) Introduction : Home Page ~ Free Case Evaluation. My Testimonial .

“ I first retained Hill & Ponton when my family moved to New Port Richey in 2018. Since then they have shown themselves to be nothing short of spectacular. This legal group operates as a well oiled machine who chews up and spits out VA paperwork for breakfast while organizing and presenting all Veterans claims their best light. “

In the course of my time with them my claim went from 10% to 20% to 30% and as my signs and symptoms and continual flow of medical and psychological proof began to accumulate at their office under the watchful eye 👁️ of Carol Ponton herself…. my case was meticulously developed and I did my part by going to every single doctors appointment and every C & P exam that was set up or recommended for me.


Always go to your appointments or call as far ahead as you can to cancel or reschedule your appointment ASAP. Always do your part ASAP. Do not get distracted. Do not forget to Mail anything back to them because time really is ( or can be ) money.

If you die before your claim is decided favorably in any way, shape or form ~ then your claim dies with you period. That’s just REASON # 1 of why I am a Veteran’s Advocate / Activist.

I am self taught. Everyone who knows the VA system knows it from a unique perspective which is specific to them due to either their own military experiences, their on VA medical / pharmacy experiences, waiting times, ridiculous - contradictory- convoluted - mistake of facts situations - their jealous raters predispositions towards prolonging their own standards of living at the expense of our own, laziness, insensitivity, lack of training, lack of concern, lack of honor, disregard for Due Process rights, disregard for the God Given Right To The Pursuit Of Happiness, etc”


Then in July of 2023 I received my 70% added Service Connection.

This “ theoretically “ gave me a total of 100% Service Connected Claims Disability.
Too late ⏰ to buy my now adult children bicycles 🚴, braces, musical 🎶 equipment, etc. We lived on Food Stamps, Food Pantries, and I gave blood 🩸 for money to keep my family fed. I also happily committed one felony after another for kiting checks from High Interest Check Cashing Businesses. So be it. I confess. Grandpa Tom doesn’t give a flying fuck. That pansy ass hand wringing set sail in 2002 when I just could not will myself into doing factory 🏭 work anymore with 8 herniated discs, arthritis, bursitis. fibromyalgia, impingement of the spinal cord, etc. Even insanity has its limits. So I applied for SSD. That took 2 years

Please note 🗒️, that if you are a wartime Veteran AND pass the medical 🏥 tests at the VA that say you are completely 100% disabled. Pay Attention Here .
But Not Service Connected, you can apply and get a Veterans PENSION even if you didn’t retire as a Veteran. I got out of the Air Force on a Medical / Early Out after the Gulf War. 3 and a half years of service and I was able to get on a VA Pension until I got my SSD at which point you are supposed to notify the VA. Thank God I have memory problems.

But back to this last summer.

I didn’t get my money 💰, because they are purposely dragging this out. Perhaps 🤔 because of who I am, or maybe they just don’t give a rats 🐀 ass about us.

I will eventually get it. But the VA covets OUR money 💰. We perish while they flourish. They just keep kicking the can down the road and keep putting us back on the HAMPSTER WHEEL 🛞 FALSE HOPE ~ SUICIDE INDUCING ~ FOOL’S ERRANDS PAPER CHAISE MAZE OF CLAIMS.

Suicide you say ? Yes 👏, even I, Granpa Tom have tried to kill myself twice.

So there you have it.

I care about all of us. Do you think Chesty Puller would give up ? No way in Hell.

I do what I do out of undying patriotism and love for everyone who’s gone before us onto “ The Hampster Wheel “and all who come after us.

Until our turn comes to exterminate the brutes. And I hope to be part of that. I know how to gut the VA Disability Juggernaut quite easily with some simple rewriting of the rules and thousands of pink slips. My buddy BK has indicated that he is open to turning me loose to really chop wood 🪵.

Merry Christmas 🎄 You Glorious Bitches And Bastards.
I am the tip of the spear.

Thomas W. Trefts

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