Freemason Grand Lodge Sued; Texas Freemasonry Lawsuit Filed By A Widow

1 year ago

Masonic Grand Lodge Sued; Texas Freemasonry Lawsuit Filed By A Widow

The widow and children of Brother Robert Wise have filed a lawsuit against the Grand Lodge of Texas.

On July 10, 2023, Brother Robert Wise, was murdered as he left him Masonic Lodge. Jose Diaz, a known anti-mason who had a history of vandalizing lodges in the area. Wise was murdered following an induction ceremony. In an unlit parking lot, the gunman killed Wise, video taping the incident and posting it on his Instagram page.

A lawsuit was filed on Monday, November 27, 2023 for the murder of Bro Robert Wise at the McAllen Masonic Lodge #1110 in McAllen, Texas. The defendants in the lawsuit are:

The Grand Lodge of Texas,
McAllen Lodge #1110,
Grand Master G. Clay Smith,
Past Grand Master Brad Billings,
Past Master of McAllen Lodge Juan Eduardo Garza and
Past Master of McAllen Lodge Manuel Dominguez.

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