The Jade Helm 15 - Legion of Doom - Invasion Discus

1 year ago

I live in Brandon Florida and have had a task force connected to this clown show on my ass for quite some time now. I didn't realize just how bad it was till I ordered some ammo, for my family and they moved against me using task force with military helicopter support. They were unable to carry out their objective.... and have taken over the house next-door to me and it's been a real shit-show every since...
People need to wake up, your government has been hijacked by the n.w.o. If the murder of your friends and family with a mandated experimental drug that they aren't even bothering to track, the unlawful instillation of the biden administration hasn't been enough to wake you up, then there probably isn't any hope for you. These fucking clowns are even using chemical weapons within America, against American citizens that are fighting to stop them - just ask Karen Kingston and others... With the support of fucking law enforcement

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