DSNews ~ Spotlight on the Stars | Dr. Phil the Elite Pedo Shill

1 year ago

Links Cited:

Kendall exposed how she was born into human trafficking for sex slavery for some of the most rich and powerful people in the world | Dom Lucre: https://twitter.com/dom_lucre/status/1732584419431477307

“I intend to have a MAJOR impact on the 2024 election. Families in America are under attack. We’ve got to get rid of all of this noise and crap and get back to what matters.” Dr. Phil on Maher | @TheDancuso on X: https://twitter.com/TheDancuso/status/1655599509471199232

LOL: ROSEANNE BARR CALLS BILL MAHER MKULTRA! | Liz Crokin: https://twitter.com/LizCrokin/status/1732631352011366627

1988 TV Show former FBI Los Angeles regional director Ted Gunderson onstage with Dr. Michael Aquino | Truthseeker: https://twitter.com/Xx17965797N/status/1646641812566597633

Elite Human Trafficking [Vol. 4]- Dr. Phil’s Turn-About Ranch | Mouthy Buddha on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/htmOcK5fxaUh/


*D Booma San Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/DBoomaSan

**Donations Link (Certainly not expected but does help afford the video editing costs of Adobe Premiere Pro and the license-free stock footage and music from Envato Elements and Artlist ~ Thank you in advance if you do wish to help support my work!)



***All the amazing Painfully Beautiful Productions LLC & D Booma San logos done by the brilliant and talented (Casey Q)!

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