1 year ago

The COVID plandemic, planned years in advance and worked out to the smallest details, and as always, the cabal warned us years in advance.

Hollywood gave us seven movies and series showing us terrifying scenarios of killer outbreaks 2020. Even Bill Gates produced and co-financed one of his own pandemic movies, "How to prevent an outbreak" six episodes. Excellent timing.

Then there were two simulations of the coronavirus outbreak. One, in Wuhan, China, of all places, focused on the role of customs to respond accurately to incoming bio weapon attacks. And one in New York focused on the importance of communication during a coronavirus outbreak, both financed by Bill Gates.

Basically, the so-called COVID-19 pandemic was a huge global behavioral experiment, the biggest ever performed in the history of mankind. It was a test to see if we, the people, were ready to be enslaved. The cabal used a variety of torture methods, as described in the Amnesty International report on torture, but hardly anybody even realized they were being tortured. What methods were used? All of them. All eight methods to make the people submit to break them. The breaking of their will is intended to destroy their humanity. Here we go.

#1, isolation. Not just of individuals, but also of groups of people. Why? In order to make people feel lonely. To deprive them of social support and to make people dependent on their repressor.

#2, monopolization of perception. In other words, the oppressive fully decides how you perceive or experience reality. For instance, by abolishing information that contradicts the official narrative. By punishing any form of resistance or independence? By putting blame on people. Why? In order to brainwash people into thinking there is an immediate threat. To frustrate all actions that could lead to disobedience and to make people believe they are at fault.

#3 induced debilitation and exhaustion. In other words, to make you weak, for instance, by sleep deprivation due to fear or anxiety. By withholding essential items like food and medicine. And by constant questioning. Why? When people are mentally and physically weakened, they will lack the strength to resist.

#4 threats. Threats about people getting killed. Their families. The pets. Threats to separate families. Threats of endless isolation. Threats of becoming outcasts. Non citizens. Why? To create anxiety and despair.

#5 occasional indulgences. Think. Occasional favors. Promises and rewards for compliance. Why? To motivate people to comply.

#6 Demonstrating omnipotence. By means of confrontation. Physical assaults. By demonstrating complete control over people's fate. And by treating people like servants. Why? To create fear and submission and to suggest resistance is futile. Now we need to go to community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and off times.

#7 degradation. By putting people down. By verbally abusing, humiliating and shaming people in public. By demeaning punishments and by denial of privacy. With your mask on, get away. Put it on freedom. Stop it. Go. Whoa, whoa. Why? To destroy people's self-esteem? To make the cost of resistance more damaging to people's self-esteem than compliance. Enforcing trivial demands. By playing mind games. Punishing obedient people for being disobedient. And by continuously changing the rules without clear communication. Why? In order to confuse people, to create anxiety and to make them submit completely.

#8 stress. I mentioned. What else should you know about torture? Torturous men to create stress. Any event that threatens to change the stability of people's well-being, environmental, physical, mental or emotional is stressful. Why is this important? Because this is precisely what our governments and so-called health institutions have been inflicting systematically upon humanity stress. Stress not only affects your immune system, making you extra vulnerable to diseases, it also generates anxiety, which triggers the inability to think straight, to remain calm, logical and rational.

Part 26: Covid-19: Episode 9 Can it get any worse? It sure can. Let's not waste any time and proceed with the last episode about the COVID scam. This final part will give you the ultimate helicopter view of what we are dealing with here. Buckle up and join us even further down the rabbit hole. That sounded like the fine.

The Cabals torture strategy had worked brilliantly. People have become lethargic, many had ordered personalities according to their loved ones, others are turned into zombies. Was that what the CDC had warned us about on their website, The Zombie Apocalypse? People simply didn't hear the warnings. They couldn't see right from wrong anymore. They were in a state of brain fog and confusion in which the sudden insane number of cases of thrombosis. Pulmonary embolisms. Strokes. I'm serious. Heart problems simply went by unnoticed.

Top sportsman had acute heart failure and dropped to the ground. News Anchors collapse live on TV. Don't. Look, there's a nurses died by the dozens. Pilots got unwell in midair due to blood clots. Planes came crashing down from the sky.

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